My gf \[24F\] and I \[23M\] have been together for about a year now, but we have been long distance for the last month (and will be for the next year). She has never masturbated or watched porn before, but she knows that when we have different schedules, I will sometimes watch porn. She has always thought that it wasn’t for her because sex was always available to her when she needed it previously.

About a week ago, she all of a sudden asked me which videos I liked to watch when she wasn’t there. I sent her a video of an amateur couple that was really sensual, and she seemed a bit intrigued, but had to go. Three days later, she said that she spent the last 4 hours watching porn! I told her to masturbate to it but she said that she’s nervous because she’s never done it before. In reality, because I know her well, I think that she’s nervous to do it because she’s always associated sex with me (she lost her virginity to me), so she’s embarassed to do any sexual activity by herself. However, I really want her to get off by herself. any tips on how to approach this?

  1. Masturbate together, next to each other. Or spoon her, lock finger together and guide her hands.

  2. Don’t focus on the porn, just say it’s important she learns how to get herself off and you love the thought of her pleasing herself. If you are long distance there are even toys she can use that you can control from afar so it makes it a bit more as if you are there which might make her more comfortable

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