So there’s someone I’ve known for about 2 years. We clash with our differing opinions and conversation styles but also compliment and support each other. She has helped me during my hardest times but she has done things that I really despised. None of the things she did are as serious as gaslighting, drugs, cheating, etc. I’ve had times in my life where I really loved her and really hated her, but in the end we are close.

There was a point where I questioned myself if she disliked me or was trying to avoid me, but after a week or so it stopped. Even so, I realized I aggravated her with my own problems and I apologized before I said goodbye for university. I was unsure for a long time if she liked or disliked me because she threw me mixed signals, but she is more introverted while I’m more outgoing.

Fast forward to yesterday (3 months later) and I decided to pay her a visit and bring her a gift. She was super stoked to see me, hugged me twice, and we talked for awhile. She remembered things that I told her months ago and even said my gift was too much. I had to leave quickly so I couldn’t give her a real goodbye though.

I probably won’t see her for awhile, but I’m wondering how despite our differences I appreciate the things she’s done for me. How should I go about doing this? I do have her contact.

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