What to do with uneven beard growth

  1. You gotta love the beard you’ve got man.

    Your choices are that or wait a few years to see if it fills out.

    I say rock what you’ve got if you like it.

  2. Keep trimming it down short until the slower growing parts catch up, then slowly increase your trimmer comb size.

  3. Trim it until it’s balanced. If it’s patchy…keep it short and give it a crisp line.

  4. Beards never grow evenly. You gotta trim it regularly or just go full mountain man.

    My mustache grows faster than the rest. It’s annoying.

  5. I have this weird dead zone on my chin and I grew the rest of my beard long enough to cover it

    Tbh as time pass on I think the dead zone is getting smaller

  6. Trim down one side, and pay attention to the side you sleep on each night. Your bedside will typically grow slower than the other side, so rotate evenly which side you sleep on

  7. Luckily my beard grows fully. I keep a big bushy beard, but my mustache isn’t as full as I’d like it to be.

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    Have a nice day!

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