I say “I love you” when I mean it. Well I am starting to think I shouldn’t. I said it to my boyfriend tonight after telling him via text and him saying I should say it in person. Well he said he wasn’t ready for that. I truly understand, I’ve been hurt way to many times to count. But I thought he was different.

So I guess I have two questions.
First one is how do I get over this? I did this to myself though.

Second one is if you have told your S/O you loved them. And they said they didn’t. Would (or did) you stay?

1 comment
  1. I can’t answer the first question, I’ve been the first one to say it and more then once and I have gotten the same answer you did. The girls I’m referring to took relationships a little slower than I did, and I told them I understood. I usually just don’t say it again because I don’t want it to come off as any sort of pressure for them to say it back.

    To answer the second part, I did stay with both girls. The first girl ended up saying it back like a month or two later and then it was a regular thing for us both. The second girl never said it back, she told me she just needed to be sure she actually did and I told her that it was cool. We were in a toxic cycle of breaking up and getting back together two months after I had said it so in the end she never said it back.

    But I will say I never regret it. I would do it again with the next girl if that’s how I end up feeling. I’m the type of person that if I’m feeling something I’m going to say it, and if I’m not feeling it I’m not going to say it. So if I wake up one morning and realize I’m in love I’m going to share that. Even if it means it isn’t reciprocated right away.

    Edit for grammar

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