I want to the climb the corporate ladder but I feel the process isn’t worth it.

The promotions I’ve seen over the years in my company (industry: construction; location: middle east) have all been about the ‘brotherhood’ or whoever the higher management likes. It’s never about the qualifications. No matter how hard I worked and put myself out there, I saw time and again people less qualified than me get promoted. The Middle East is probably an extreme case as cronyism and nepotism are very rampant here, especially in construction or oil & gas.

I’m wondering if the the same can be said elsewhere (especially the West). Do employees who start from the bottom and manage to climb to a senior role (a six-figure salary) do so because they suck up to the higher management? Is it really more about promoting or campaigning for your candidacy than working long hours in the office?

I’m asking because I want to do better in the next company I hope to work for. I’m fed up with my current company. Almost a decade working here and not a single promotion. I just want to leave and find someplace else where my career has better growth.

**\*\*Note: I want a promotion because I want more money. Simple.\*\***

1 comment
  1. Absolutely not.

    I’m the very best at what i do but am emotionally intelligent enough to read a room and navigate difficult situations successfully.

    My success comes from people’s respect for what i do and not being an asshole. People can’t imagine not having me do what i do so they find ways to keep me. Be indispensabile and pleasant to work with.

    Sucking up may help you sometimes in certain situations. But it is not a cure all for every personality type or situation. In fact, it can backfire if not used appropriately or insincerely.

    u/Jedi_Smuggler it sounds like maybe you just had a negative work environment in the past so leaving is a good thing.

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