A few days ago I posted and asked if I should sit next to a girl in my class and talk to her, and y’all said I should, so I did. We only talked for like a minute, but I learned her name and where she’s from. I would’ve liked to keep it going for a bit longer, but I’m pretty bad at conversation and I didn’t want to force it and risk making it awkward. She was friendly and seemed receptive of me talking to her (she smiled, didn’t just give one word answers, etc.), but I don’t know if I made that strong of an impression. Also, I made the mistake of not saying bye to her when class ended, but I’m not sure if that really matters.

So now my current dilemma is what to do next class. The main problem is that she seems to change seats every class, and if she’s not in the same seat next class as she was last time, it’ll be weird if I try to sit next to her again. I don’t want it to seem like I’m following her around the room.

I think the safest option is to try and get to class before her and sit in the same spot as last time, so that she can decide if she wants to sit next to me again. What do y’all think?

Also, my biggest fear is making her uncomfortable, but I’m really bad at telling when someone is uncomfortable around me. The last time I went out with someone I thought it went relatively fine, albeit there wasn’t much of a connection between us. I found out later though that she had told a mutual friend that I was awkward and made her very uncomfortable. If there’s any advice y’all can offer for how to tell when someone is uncomfortable I’d appreciate it.

tl;dr Talked to a girl I’m interested in last class, should I get there before her next class so she can choose if she wants to sit next to me? Also, how can I tell if I’m making her uncomfortable?

1 comment
  1. Try to relax and not worry about every little thing, like the mistake you mentioned in your post! Just relax and try to let your relaxed personality show up. You can’t control what other people think, so why try? If she doesn’t like your personality as it is, she’s not a good for you anyway.

    You also still don’t know much about her, so try not to look at every interaction through the lens of what you’re getting out of it (i.e. her).

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