What instantly makes you suspicious of someone ?

  1. Inserting ANGRY politics into everything. I’m like….ooookay buddy🫡🇺🇲😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫

  2. Saying how much they LOVED high school.

    EDIT: I’ll rephrase since there’s been some miscommunication and assumptions about what I meant. My bigger issue is with people who view high school as THE BEST or at least one of the best periods of their lives.

  3. Telling me how intelligent they are, how rich they are, how honest they are, or what a good Christian they are. If you really are any of those things, you don’t have to tell anyone.

  4. Anyone who comments on my body. I don’t care if you’re saying I’m attractive, stop objectifying me.

  5. If they are loud and proud about their religion. It’s a weird thing I have – no problems with people who believe or are religious, but in my experience anyone who talks about it a lot, for them it isn’t about God or faith 🤷‍♀️

  6. If they constantly bad mouth or gossip about people. You can almost certainly guarantee they’re doing the same thing to you with other people.

  7. Being antivaxx. Had a coworker try to share/push his antivaxx idea on me the first day he worked there and honestly his whole personality turned out as garbage later.

  8. Over friendly people or people that self proclaims your “new best friend forevah”

    Yeah. No. Im running.

  9. If they feel the need to tell me their a good person. Those people tend to not be as good as they think/want you to think they are

  10. Someone who invades my personal space by standing too close or is touchy

  11. When I ask someone a question, like if we are on a date, and they don’t ask one back. If I cared enough to remember your favorite ice cream I feel like the curiosity should be reciprocated.

    And if they’re a “nice” guy.

  12. “ woe is me “ mentality (constantly fishes for validation and whines about their life without effort)

    Meeting someone and they immediately list all of their mental illnesses

    Someone who attempts to make themselves look good by the downfall of others

    Gossipers & Passive aggressiveness

    People who always blatantly want to fight/be petty

  13. A guy who constantly complains that his mother and all his exes are crazy. Big fat nope.

  14. Telling me about someone’s secret while mentioning that I shouldn’t tell that to others. I just know how untrustworthy that person is and will never share something personal with them

  15. Saying they’re interested in all the same things I am interested in but display no knowledge about those things

  16. If everyone in their life are crazy or out to get them. If everyone in your life is a problem, then it’s likely you are the actual problem.

  17. When they repeat my name a lot in conversation, even though we just met. Makes me suspicious some sort of sales pitch can’t be far off.

  18. Talking about how other people are too sensitive, it usually means they’re an asshole and they’re mad they’re getting called out on it.

  19. People who want to be close confidants and friends right away. I am someone who needs to warm up to people so it feels disingenuous, regardless of their intentions

  20. Ski-mask paired with a machete always makes me a tiny bit uneasy. I hate to be judgemental tho.

  21. When they are too nice. Sadly due to early childhood abuse, I stopped trusting nice people by the age of 4.

    My sister’s mom once dated a guy who was in a cult or commune, she took me and my sister to the compound. And I was in hell. Everyone was being really nice (as they are in cults) and I was terrified. Too much niceness was terrifying for me. Being nice gets you to trust them, and as soon as you trust them, they can do whatever they can to hurt you, but you have no one to blame because it was YOU who trusted them.

    I now gain the upper hand by being the nice one. You can’t be nicer than me. Therefore you can hurt me.

    Yeah yeah, I’m in therapy. Lots and lots of therapy

  22. People who behave differently to different people based on their perceived social class. Like, people who are nice to the surgeon but dismissive of the artist.

  23. Charming people scare the hell out of me. They always have. Joel Osteen scares me. Politicians scare me. Car salesman scare me. Bc you know it isn’t genuine. What the hell personality do these people actually have.

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