What do you think about taking pregnancy tests sometimes “just to be sure” even though you’re being safe?

  1. I do this all the time. If I have a weird symptom or my period is just a day late, I take a test. I order the strip tests from Amazon to keep it cheap. $7-8 for a 25-30 pack and peace of mind.

  2. I think it’s fine as long as it settles the person’s anxiety and they can afford the tests without hardship.

  3. Depends on what you mean by “Safe.” If you mean “Using a condom and pills,” yes, 100%. If you mean “Not having sex,” no real point there.

  4. Just for peace of mind, I’ve always kept some in the bathroom. We thought we were being safe until two pink lines showed up on a test…(+). Nothing can be trusted to be 100%.

  5. I have tokophobia; my period only needs to be a day late and I’m freaking out. Sometimes I even use more than one test. While I know my behavior isn’t exactly normal, a lot of women do what you just said. Better safe than sorry.

  6. Absolutely for it. Get yourself some piece of mind and a definitive answer. If one swimmer were to sneak through, I think you’d be better off knowing sooner rather than later.

  7. Seriously…are there sexually active women on this planet who DON’T do this? I’m using a 5 year IUD, I stopped having periods 2 months in. Last week I felt nauseous 3 mornings in a row, straight to the Clearblue!

  8. I used to do this all the time, I’m not getting surprised by an attack pregnancy. I would have days where I felt fat and just had to make sure. The older I get the less concerned I am though.

  9. The Dollar Tree has single analog hcg tests that are just as accurate as name brand digital tests.

    You can order test strips online for cheaper too. But you’ll want to order an amount that you’ll use before it’s expiration date as they can become less sensitive with time.

  10. Funny story…my fiancé and I are both fixed. I was like a week and a half late.

    I wasn’t pregnant lol. We looked at each other and we’re like “omg we are dumb” lol.

  11. I think considering the issues around abortion in some places everyone who may have a date sensitive right to abortion, do then every month.

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