Some people may not relate to the feeling in question. However, if you do I’d like to hear what your thoughts about it are as I’m starting to questioning if I’m sane or not.
Personally I feel empty, but not in a negative way. It’s like a release from a tight grip. Like I just entered my mind, fully in control again (as if I wasn’t just moments before). This has gotten me thinking about life in general. I don’t really want to do anything when that feeling enters my body, I just wanna listen to music eat food and play Minecraft (modded that is, I’m not 12 ok). I have zero desire left in me for conquest, for battle for wealth and glory. I lose all my social motivation and my ego takes a deep breath and sighs in relief, just for a moment. It’s one of the most scary and also most pleasing feelings in the world to me. It’s scary because you realize how controlling your sex drive can be (in my case atleast), but it’s pleasing because you really connect with your soul for that short moment. You feel what’s underneath, what’s important to you and what’s just frivolous. Then 15 minutes passes and I’m back into my biological sex-craving state. Which just feels shitty. It’s like I’m consciously tricking myself into finding meaning and perusing an act I know not to be truly fulfilling to me when I actually perform it. Do you relate to what I’m saying? I hope some of you do.

Anyway, How do you view this feeling? What are your thoughts about it? Do you even have this feeling?

  1. Honestly I feel ashamed usually which Is why I im rocking no fap these days. Sex on the other hand I don’t know cause I don’t get none lol.

  2. If I have my choice, a minutes of cuddling while inside of her then rolling over and taking a short nap.
    When I can do that, the “world” can’t get into my head and I’m at peace.
    But if she’s running late or it’s a quickie, there are times I’m disappointed. Might as well have just rubbed one out. It would have been quicker.

  3. In the context of married sex I think it’s just really quiet and peaceful. If anything there’s just the awkwardness of who’s going to say something (anything) first. Unfortunately young people and teens get a lot of conditioning that sex/masturbation is something shameful, dirty, something to be feared…due to their formal/authoritative education in the matter focused almost entirely on the very real possible negative consequences. There’s no messaging about the actual enjoyment of it. It shouldn’t really be that way, but that’s how it is.

    And when you’re married, there are zero possibilities of any such consequences, so the whole act actually evolves into becoming more of a tremendous stress relief and focused entirely on intimacy. Hell, you even know if Jesus came down at that very moment and the rapture commenced, no matter how strict God ends up being, he’d still be like “naw, you good”

  4. it’s called post-nut clarity. it’s a short window where a man is in full control of his faculties without being RULED by his biological programming and hormones.

  5. Have you tried cuddling your partner or if not the other way after sex?

    Does the person u have sex with, have any chemistry? Is it just sex or intimate? With loved one or friends or hook up?

    It’s been a while as I’m in a long term relationship, but in the past, when the intimacy isn’t there, I do sometimes feel the mptiness.

  6. Enlightenment my friend is, when this feeling of ease and clarity never goes away and the hormones no longer control you and your actions. Enjoy it!

  7. Half your duty as an alive being is to survive, the other half is to reproduce. When you finish your reproductive job, your mind takes away your responsability of having to do things. You are just not used to not do things and strive for more. It’s normal, because default mode of man is “I have to keep growing and improving”.

    I have nothing else to say, it is just a feeling. It is not good or bad. Your mind is making you feel bad for feeling this way. I don’t blame you. You can go strive for the best if you want.

  8. Fucking hell. The post I didn’t know described my feelings as well.

    And to answer your question, typically no, I don’t like it. I have liked it however when it was with a woman I liked not a ONS

  9. If I am watching porn I usually remove it immediately after finishing. It’s like “aah I don’t want to watch this shit anymore”. And when I’m with a woman I might feel a little more relaxed or tired….

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