As above, are there any professions you believe we hold in a higher regard than you believe they are worthy of?

  1. Footballer

    News presenters

    Royalty (if that can be considered a job)

    Famous tv Actor/actresses

    Famous musicians

  2. People in the army

    Just because the government sent you to the desert to kill brown people doesn’t mean you automatically deserve everyone respect

  3. Police. I’m sure there are some good ones out there, but there are a lot who most certainly aren’t.

  4. I have read through comments, where the hell is Banker (as in merchant bank – Goldman Sachs et al). Paid millions to basically gamble away whole economies see 2008 financial crash. Adding bugger all value. But apparently we can’t live without them?

    Utterly useless in the event of a zombie apocalypse. Why do we allow it😎

  5. Scrum masters – easy life for a business analyst to get paid more for doing less while being proficient in handing out banana playing cards, can’t believe some companies are prepared to pay £120k basic for a job I’d value at £50k tops.

  6. People who work in the stock market doing trading etc. Seems abstract and pointless to me, akin to gambling. It might be my naivety but I don’t see how this kind of work benefits society in any way.

  7. Nurses. They should be respected as it is a skilled and important profession but god damn the level of hero worship some people act like they deserve. And the whole “no one respects nurses enough” thing some people go on about. Only seems to come up in the context of people saying it’s wrong it doesn’t seem to actually happen.

  8. Has to be the Monarchy (topical, but still true). I’m not one of those that think the royal family don’t work hard. But they actually produce fuck all except vibes (which is valuable, but nowhere near to the extent that we value it).

  9. This is gonna get downvoted to hell probably but oh well…

    So, I’m not saying that these jobs don’t deserve respect at all, because they really obviously do deserve lots, however – most of my friends actually are teachers or nurses and I do find that they all think their job trumps everything else, and show little interest or respect for what others do. Their working worlds are their whole lives – which may be somewhat appropriate, but it would be nice to be able to discuss work without the implication that mine isn’t that important or hard. My friends are all lovely for the record, but I do pick up on this often.

  10. Reality TV influencers.
    Maybe I’m jealous but I don’t think getting your tits/cock out on TV should land you a >£1m sweatshop clothing deal. Although I think only young and impressionable people find these influencers ‘respectable’.

    Footballers too. That’s just a stupid amount of money to kick a ball about. I know nothing about football so maybe there’s more to it idk.

  11. Most of these answers just made me realise how bitter most of you lot are. Honestly baffling people out here calling out nurses, the military even food servers without realising what the entirety of the roles involve and the lack of compensation they receive yet only one person mentioned bankers?

  12. Honestly I respect everyone who works hard. Sure some people can be arrogant about it, and come across as twats, but you get those in any industry.

  13. CEOs of private parking companies

    Could’ve spent an extra £5 on better signage but decided to take it as a bonus for dishing out exorbitant parking fines.

  14. Doctors.

    Some are amazing don’t get me wrong but I’ve had some truly awful GPs.

    Teachers. Exact same.

    People are people and even if they do seemingly admirable jobs it really doesn’t mean much. Many of them are power based jobs and they can attract complete psychos.

  15. Entrepreneurs.

    Mostly just use existing wealth to exploit others but are presented as geniuses with the get-up & go that makes the entire world go round, or there’s the fallacy that anyone could be one if you just ‘tried harder’.

  16. I recently had to get a photo verified for an application, it could be signed by someone of standing in the community such as doctor, teacher, policeman, MP, or Stockbroker. Since when are stockbrokers a pillar of the community!? So yeah much more respect than it deserves in my opinion.

  17. Some of the most unpleasant are people working in healthcare.

    Two of the nastiest, bitchiest bullies in my year at school are now nurses and still carrying on their shit with colleagues and, even worse, patients.

  18. How royalty isn’t top blows my mind.

    I mean this as no disrespect to the Queen, but more at the entire institution, or even the notion of a monarchy in a modern democratic country.

    Just because they have ‘special blood’ and centuries ago, God said they’re better than the rest of us, we’ve to get down and lay prostrate on the floor in adoration of them. Their divine right also means they get all the money, but when something needs bought, the rest of us (who don’t have any of the money) have to pay for it.

    They don’t have to display any higher level of competency, in any domain, over the rest of us. They just get to be royalty because all their ancestors slept with each other, and we’ve to hold them in the highest esteem because of that. Fuck that noise

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