Don’t answer “a human” please🦶🏿

I(M) like women, every part of them except for titties, but I don’t want to have sex with them. Never wanted it and the idea of it just make me bored. But I want a relationship, want to have a woman on my side, what that make me?

Sorry for possibile mistakes, I’m not English native.

  1. Possibly Asexual.

    Asexuals usually want romantic relationships too, they just don’t have desire for sex.

    Trying to find a label probably isn’t going to work, I can’t find a label that matches my sexual orientation either.

    Because it’s a spectrum!

    Check out r/asexuality and r/aaaaaaacccccccce

  2. Maybe you are is nothing wrong with that,if your couple loves you and is ok with that.Everything is fine

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