Hey guys! long story short, I’ve always been described as a VERY intimidating person. People tell me that they are often scared to talk to me. I do consider myself fairly attractive but I think this is more of a body language thing, what can I do to be more approachable? Tips? Has this happened to y’all

  1. Smiling, asking people how they’re doing, being courteous and kind, having positive energy, being a genuinely nice person, going out of your way to help others; all these things practiced over time build you into a characteristically approachable person. You lacking in any of these departments?

  2. You can approach people you’re interested in meeting. If you’re attractive, this will almost certainly be a pleasant experience

  3. Our advice would pretty much be random guesses, since we don’t know you and there’s very little specific info to go on.

  4. Often if a girl is extremely attractive men may be intimidated. I would recommend smiling and making eye contact more with men who you are interested in. It also wouldn’t hurt to simply say hi and open the door for a man to start the conversation.

  5. Be yourself. If you are a sociable person, small talk with others to show that you are open to talking with new people. If worse comes to worse, say hi yourself. There are lots of reasons someone can feel awkward

  6. What do you think makes you intimidating? Is it just your rbf? Bc that’s not usually enough to discourage most guys as long as you also smile at least while talking to the guy you like. In my experience when women tell me they are “intimidating” it’s often bc they notice guys don’t wan to converse but don’t know that it’s not bc of their appearance but rather their voice and subject of conversation. Ask yourself do you have an annoying voice? Are you also complaining constantly? These are huge off putting factors. We can deal with a sexy mamacita’s rbf that’s not an issue usually. But if we can’t stand being near her without being annoyed to all hell we won’t be. Sorry if this comes off wrong I’m not implying this is you just giving you something to think about.

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