I have 0 confidence in myself. My partner is aware and tries to boost me up, but i always have a hard time believing them. How do you get and keep that confidence in yourself?

  1. You should talk to a therapist and get professional help. In the mean time, start eating right, and really focus on taking care of you mind and body. Join a BJJ gym, a kick boxing gym, read some books about your issue you are having, learn to meditate and try to work on all of that everyday.

  2. Set attainable goals. Reach them. Gain confidence and set other similar but maybe more difficult attainable goals. Reach them. Repeat. Gain confidence with each cycle. Learn that failure is another opportunity to try again without diminishing my worth. Gain confidence.

  3. Find things you are good and and start with that.

    That aside, your partner wouldn’t take the time to say those things and stay with you if they didn’t find you a worthwhile person. So you have to ask yourself… do you believe in them and their judge of character? If the answer is yes, then you can use that as a starting point to believe in yourself. If the answer is no… then you might have bigger problems than just self-confidence.

  4. honest to god taking showers more often and takkmg care of my skin and hair more has helped my confidence a lot

  5. I don’t know, but I think you probably trust the word of your partner in other areas. I think you trying like this is amazing and I hope you get there.

  6. start accomplishing things that make you feel good about yourself.

    you might not be one of those people who need a lot of encouragement and validation. You might be one of those people who need to go out there and conquer goals.

  7. Personally, workout or go to gym. Some study I ran into before said that feeling physically confident boost your overall confidence. Try to buy better clothes and fits. Get a haircut or a massage. Go travel. Bring your partner with you. That person seems really great for having your back.

  8. First step is actually wanting to see yourself in a good light. Then, making an effort in treating yourself nicely and view your own strengths.

  9. I got a therapist and she said to look in the mirror everyday and repeat the words i love you. You should try it out man

  10. Sorry to hear you’re going through that. I don’t have any real suggestion other than getting some help from a professional therapist.

    And I wouldn’t listen to most of the advice you get on Reddit. Half the people here seem to think that every mental health concern a man has can be solved by getting fit and muscular.

  11. Joke about it, i always call myself “a horny tiger” (sounds funnier in dutch). But just joke about how goodlooking you sometimes are, eventually you start to believe yourself.

  12. Start working out to feel better

    Face your insecurities
    (really find out what do you compare yourself or who you compare yourself too— and why is that?)

    Workout, to balance your muscular structure inside your body, it can have a severe mental affect on your mind and emotions when your unbalanced // unhealthy

    Go outside more often // cardio, get your body more adapted to being refreshed // breathe of fresh air (long term)

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