I 26f got my bisalp August 10th, so it’s been just over a month. We were good about waiting the 2 weeks to have sex, I prepared so the first time with my partner 25m wouldn’t be painful, as I had read it probably would. I’m making this post because I want to hear if any other sterilized people experienced a loss of intensity in sex after the snip/spay?

It’ll be 7 years in April that we’ve been together. We used the pullout method for most of the relationship, I only got serious about using condoms properly last summer. I have a multi-year medical history with birth control pills and IUDs, suffice to say my gyno told me condoms are my only option. Once my contraceptive options became so limited, I decided on sterilization last year and waited a year to be sure and get it done.

We haven’t talked openly about the sex since my bisalp, but I can’t shake the feeling that there was some kind of high-risk-high-reward mental thing before the bisalp, for either or both of us maybe. His mannerisms in bed have changed. We’ve always been done in anywhere from 2-10 minutes, but the time has been consistently on the shorter side of that, and there’s much less build up to his climax. I can’t even tell when he’s already orgasmed because he’ll stop suddenly then tell me he finished a while ago. I also bought an oversized beach blanket to put on my bed, y’know, and he doesn’t seem to have a problem with it, but maybe that makes it less sexy for him, the same way some guys say stopping to put on a condom does?

I have a couple things I’ll preemptively state that I believe are not causing this. I haven’t been on any hormonal medication for several years. I am medicated for bipolar, but that has never caused an issue with arousal for me. My sex drive is significantly higher than my partner’s. I do not have any lingering pain from the surgery that could be causing me to enjoy sex less.

Does anyone have any helpful info?

1 comment
  1. Just to make this clear:

    You are not experiencing a decrease in *libido*, but you notice a drop in pleasure/intensity?

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