Exactly as the text says really.

A few days ago, I’m trying to settle down for the night when I hear a little scratching at my bedroom door. Turn the light on and see a small furry thing run off behind my book case.

My first thought is this is an old as fuck house and it’s the first day I’ve put the heating on. It’s just found somewhere warm but on encou tering somewhere warm it’s tried it’s luck without finding a human. Didn’t see it again so thought it may have resolved itself.

That’s been thoroughly debunked as I’ve just spent 15 minutes chasing 2 of the bastards round the bedroom.

It’s creeping me out for obvious reasons. I don’t leave food out, place is clean. Like I say house is victorian so more ways to get in then I will ever find. I’m not comfortable with traps, call me a bleeding heart. I can hear them now, trying to sneak around

How can I chase them away and keep them away?

  1. Why have you been chasing them around whilst not wanting to use traps for humane reasons? What were you expecting when you caught them?

  2. Mice can get into the smallest spaces. They can access cupboards and then will be eating from the open packets and boxes of food. Put everything into Tupperware or similar so they really can’t get it. You can buy plug in devices that omit a high pitched sound to drive them away, worth a try. If you’ve seen 2 there will be more.

  3. Humane mouse trap, then let them out well away from the house. Mice are BAD, if you see 1, there are sht loads with it and they will eventually make thier way to your loft as they look for a water source and are smart enough to follow water pipes to the water tank in the loft, when that happens they will start drowning in the water tank whilst trying to drink water, then decompose in the tank which will eventually block the pipes.

    Some cats dont do sht about mice, humane mouse traps work just use peanut butter in them or nuts dunno why but seems to work, but yep its best to take big action early in my experience, like 1 or 2 traps wont cut it IMO, the see-saw type traps work quite well mate.

    If its an olde house with a boiler in a room, they will probably go there (The boiler room).

  4. My neighbours who lived 2 doors down from me once bought a cat. Some how they’re house soon got infested with mice, our 3 houses have little holes in the attic and are connected in some way. Well the other neighbour’s house got infested with mice and then so did ours. What must have happened was the cat must have caught a mouse and bought it inside to play with it before it ran off. Must have happened at least twice and they must have started fucking. I could here the bastards running around in the attic. Once I went in the pantry for something and when I shut the door I could here a mouse’s high pitched screaming for hours. I just couldn’t figure out where it was coming from, about 2 weeks later I realised when I shut the pantry door I caught the mouse in there and trapped it and discovered its mangled body. Any way I tried glue traps, traditional mouse traps and they just wouldn’t work, the mice were smart enough to avoid them. The only thing that worked was poison. I put trays of poison in the attic, behind the fridge, near the front and back doors and in a few random spots. Pretty soon I started finding dead mice everywhere, at least 20 of them. After about a month they disappeared completely. Haven’t had them for 20 years now. I guess the surviving mice thought fuck this and got out of there. It must have been like a house of horrors for them.

  5. Not the advice you want to hear but I think it’s better to go for the kill. Humane traps just mean they either find their way back, become someone else’s problem or die anyway because they’re not used to living outside.

    That aside, I guarantee the mice are not just occupying your bedroom. Maybe their nest is there but they will roam around the whole house. Sounds like you might be in a shared house? I’d suggest informing the rest of the occupants and checking the kitchen etc fir evidence (chewed food, droppings etc).

  6. Sadly the only way to deal with mice is lethal traps. Humane ones need you to take the mice at least a mile away, where they either become someone else’s problem or die through lack of food.

    Apple, grape or peanut butter works well in the traps. Wear rubber gloves when handling the full trap, tip the mouse into a dog poo bag, tie it up and put it in an external bin.

    Keep doing this until you catch no more mice.

  7. I couldn’t handle dealing with corpses so I got a sonic mouse deterrent and have not seen a single mouse in my flat since.

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