Sorry if the question isn’t worded very well.

I think I’ve got depression and I want to talk to my GP about it. However, I’m supposed to be moving later on this year and, if they recommend that I start some sort of therapy, I don’t know how I’d go about switching to another therapist in a different health authority without losing any progress.

  1. The waiting list for mental healthcare is really long, more or less depending on your area. Moving may well put you back on that list as there are only so many providers in a given area and this can differ widely across the country. If you’re already being treated you should be prioritised when you move, but some disruption is certainly very possible with in person treatment.

    On the other hand your area provider may offer remote sessions over the phone or on zoom etc, which you should be able to continue regardless of your move.

    Do talk to your GP as soon as you can, and when you move make sure you ensure your new gp has requested your records promptly to ensure best continuity of care. They’re supposed to do this automatically but it doesn’t always happen (I had to chase this myself several months after switching and I’d only moved half a postcode!).

    Well done for identifying you may have an issue and for seeking support, first step can be one of the hardest to take and you have this internet stranger’s best wishes

  2. Do you know where you’re moving to? Might almost be worth registering with a GP there now and getting yourself on the waiting list to see someone in the new place, as waiting lists for therapy on the NHS are v. long.

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