Would it be a dealbreaker if your girl has them?

  1. Depends on size. So large it’s obvious is a turn off, just a slight increase to where it’s realistic is fine. It’s not my thing but I can work with it

  2. I wouldn’t call it a deal breaker, but I’d much prefer that she not have them. I prefer that my girlfriend be natural with no artificial anything.

  3. Someone who thinks they need a certain size of boob to look good is not someone I’m interested in.

    body dysmorphia is a condition that usually has a negative impact on their quality of life, and would probably have a negative impact on any relationship they have.

  4. Last I read about them, they are only meant to last 10 years before needing to be replaced. They could leak and cause health issues.

  5. I’m good. Thinking you need something like that automatically makes me not want to be with you

  6. I’d prefer natural. I had an ex that really wanted them becuase she was self conscious about her size, so if women really wanted them or needed them (from surgeries) then I won’t make it a big deal.

  7. Women that artificially enhance themselves come off to me as the type that would sell their soul for a price. I’m not into those type of people.

  8. As a “I wanted bigger boobs” they are a turn off, probably a deal breaker as I’d assume it speaks to other problems like body dysmorphia. As a medical method to restore one/both boobs after surgery for example totally fine.

  9. Not necessary. Surgery is so easily complicated. Why do it over something as meaningless as boobs?

  10. I prefer the real thing.

    No such thing as bad boobies, every person is special in their own way.

    Just imo

  11. If they are good, you won’t know.

    I like boobs, but they are not a deal breaker. I would never ask a woman to get them for me, but if they will make her happy, then have at it.

  12. Well, they only look better with her clothes on. Never seen any implants that looked good in the flesh.

  13. Not my thing. I’m an ER RN and I’ve taken care of more than one lady that tripped and busted them.

    My first reaction when seeing them on ladies is that she looks hot, but one guy’s attention will never be enough. Either that, or she had cancer. So if that’s the case, more power to her. You just never know.

  14. It 100% depends on how and why she got them. If it was due to illness or other health related issues, no big deal. But if it was elective, then it’s probably pretty close to a deal breaker. Those kinds of insecurities don’t stop there.

  15. They are ok up to a certain point but when they start to look like they can replace the airbags in your car, you have strayed too far from God.

  16. Tbh if they undoubtedly look fake as in like disproportionately sized relative to the frame of the woman’s body then it’s like “meh” to me (if that makes any sense). I guess I’m sorta indifferent to it.

    Personally I’d much rather do without them. Sure they might be nice to look at during sex and all but not much else IMO.

  17. Probably a deal breaker

    Personally I think you’ve got to be just a little bit crazy to be so concerned with societal acceptance that you surgically insert bags of goo into your chest

  18. I have unintentionally upset a few women with this topic and have come to suspect that If given the opportunity, more women seem like they would get them than those that wouldn’t. Ideally, a women would make this decision based solely on what will make her feel good, and not so much what us men like. However the question is asking just that, so here it is:

    With the exception of women who have endured the experience of mastectomy, or any kind of situation in which her natural form was traumatically altered, causing her to suffer emotionally, I would have ZERO interest in a significant other getting breast implants or plastic surgery in general.

    I love a woman’s natural form. Sure, like anyone I find some forms more attractive than others, but there is no real uniformity to this attraction. It’s based on the individual herself, and the physical eccentricities of her personality and form. Literally.
    She can have small breasts, large breasts, flatter, bigger, higher or lower and if I’m in love with her I will become fixated on precisely what she has. I don’t know if that is normal, or how common that is for other men but it is how my brain works.

    So when I have been with a girl whom has expressed interest in plastic surgery (this has happened) I am immediately disturbed by the concept that she will do something to take away what I see as being distinctly her.. even if by society’s standards; she will look “better”. I didn’t fall in love with “Better” I fell in love with her.

    Now there is also a simpler aspect of it as well. I have no desire to feel silicon on my hands or lips. At this point, one could argue if “better” features are what I’m offered, why not just buy a $10,000 sex doll custom built to all my shallowest specifications? Right or wrong, this is how I view people that spend tons of money on these things. To be honest (and probably unintentionally rude) these people look freaky and disturbing to me, and I am not remotely attracted to most of them.

  19. Damn a lot of harsh criticism and assumptions about women that choose to have a breast augmentation. If cock augmentation was as popular and safe, I feel like a lot of these dudes might be hypocrites and/or feel a lot differently. We all see the posts around here of insecure men, and many of us can empathize with them in one form or another. We can’t empathize with an insecure woman? We can’t make any room for the fact that someone with implants might NOT be a damaged POS that isn’t good enough for us to consider a relationship with?

    My opinion is, who cares? If she wants them for whatever reason, it shouldn’t be seen as some deep, relationship breaking, terminal character flaw. Good Lord guys.

    Also, I get that we all like what we like sexually. I’m more commenting on the people in here wanting to throw out a whole person just because they don’t like what they did to their body. Ridiculous.

  20. If I can touch them, they’re real. That said I’ve never been unhappy with my partners tits and I am always happy to honk the night away.

  21. Eh.

    I dated someone who got reast reduction, and her reasons for it made sense. If someone’s reasons for implants similarly made sense, cool.

  22. Not a deal breaker. All for my partner doing whatever she needs to in order to feel happy and confident in her body. However, I do have concerns about the side effects and danger of implants.

  23. I must admit, I prefer natural. But in a theoretical dating scenario, It wouldn’t be a dealbreaker.

  24. After much badgering, I finally got my girl a set of double D implants. They are so much fun to play with. When I get another $4,000 we can have the surgeon put them in.

  25. I don’t want fake boobs. I have very large natural ones. I would however LOVE a breast lift and reduction

  26. she can do whatever she wants with her body, but I’d rather much natural small tits over big fake tits.

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