It’s been 3 or a month now with high school, and there’s this girl that’s confusing me af, sometimes i don’t exist for her, and sometimes she’s talking to me so much. is she using me for her boredom, or does she see me as a friend? This week, she interacted with me Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, but not Wednesday or today/Friday. so I’m getting mixed thoughts, are we just classmates, are we friends? does she only talk with me when she’s bored, or is she actually interested in me? sometimes she’s even ignoring me. it’s really bothering me, because i don’t know how to act with someone that I’m unsure what’s she’s to me, i would like to be friends and it does feel like it at some point, but at other times, i feel like we’re strangers

I swear to God girls are more confusing than guys, first day i already got a guy best friend, already shaking hands, fist bumping.

  1. It sounds like she just sees you as an acquaintance or a friendly face for now. There is always the possibility of getting closer as you get to know each other more!

  2. Let me get this straight, you’re freaking out because there were two (2) days this week that this person and you didn’t hang out? Dude, CHILL. What do you expect, to be attached at the hip? She has her own life and you’re not the center of the universe!

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