I met this Ivy League guy on a dating app and he asked me out for lunch, picked a pretty expensive place, when I tried to say hello after meeting with him, he was on the phone and asked me to give him a second, not big deal for me ( maybe it was something urgent) he told me, it was his agent since he was trying to buy a new apartment, during our meal he picked up his phone several times, around 5 times to answer some text message from his agent, he told me “ he was bidding” for the place that’s why he needed to be on the phone. I try to be understandable but at the end I think it was kind of rude of him? Apparently he is very wealthy, own several apartments and work in a big multinational so I assume people like him must be really busy and everything is “ important” for them and nothing can’t wait, in retrospect I was very uncomfortable eating there in silent alone while he needed to text his agent… what do you guys think of the situation?

1 comment
  1. I mean. It sounds like he has important stuff going on sometimes. Not like he was skimming fb or TikTok while on the date.

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