Did you like it? Hate it? Was it a dare?

  1. My dad was of the “as long as this isn’t actively dangerous for my children, I’ll just let them make choices and learn from them” mindset.

    This was largely a good idea and encouraged me to be independent and now have good decision making skills, but it was an embarrassing experience to go to “take your kid to work day” and spend half the day vomiting because I decided I was prepared to get wings with the ghost pepper hot sauce when we went out to lunch.

    I also once thought that pepper spray might make a good sandwich seasoning. It doesn’t.

  2. Ghost pepper chicken wings. My tongue was on fire and later that night my stomach was. Ate it on a whim.

  3. The Paqui one chip challenge. I ordered chilè limon chips but they gave me three of these accidentally. I took a small bite and deeply regret it.

  4. OMG great question because my nearly burned myself a second asshole eating these wings.

    Never EVER…


    Purchase the Atomic Pintys boneless wings.

  5. my freshmen roommate in college was bugging me to try this beef jerky he had but i wasn’t hungry. eventually i gave in bc he kept asking and almost as soon as i had my first bite my eyes starting watering. I finished the piece he gave me and by this point i was crying w/out control. turns out it was “carolina reaper” flavored jerky. we had to split a half gallon of milk just to get the after taste out of our mouths it was so spicy.

  6. Paqui one chip challenge. It’s like my entire body got hit with a flash grenade. Sweating, ears ringing and buzzing, head spinning.

    Don’t do it

  7. My ex made this extreeemely hot chili sauce, using a LOT of two of the world’s hottest chili peppers. He let me and a couple of his friends (both men) try it. The two of them almost threw up and coughed for a few minutes. I was overwhelmed at first but liked it (spicy/hot food is my jam). But yeah… That was intense.

  8. A bowl of som tham (green papaya salad) that I had in Thailand. My lips burned for hours afterward but it was so good. I still dream of it sometimes.

  9. samyang (korean brand) buldak ramyeon, i bought a bunch of different flavors and tried cheese flavor first because i had read that it’s the least spicy flavor. i only put in half the sauce packet and it was still unbearably spicy, took me like 30 minutes to finish eating because i kept taking breaks to drink milk… it made every breath painful. no idea why i didn’t just give up lmao. i can’t imagine what would’ve happened if i had put in all the sauce lol

  10. I ate a number of dishes in Thailand that made my mouth burn for hours. I’m not a fan of very spicy food, but it’s hard to avoid there.

  11. One chip challenge at this diner place I occasionally frequent. Had to eat a chip coated with a mix of scorpion pepper and carolina reaper and not consume any liquid for 5 minutes to win 30% off the meal. I even had to sign a waiver.

    Feeling brave and showing off a little bit for the cute waitress really wasnt a good combo because after putting the chip in my mouth I poured the powder right in as well.

    It was fine for maybe 10 seconds, and then it hit. Suddenly my throat, mouth and nose were all on fire. I could barely breathe and i accidentally wiped my eyes as they began watering. So it got in those too. Your eyes is one of the places you absolutely do not want a combination of the worlds hottest peppers.

    Despite how horrendous I probably looked, i still made it through and managed to get the discount though, so even if I looked a right prat, at least I beat it.

    Apparently the manager himself couldn’t beat the challenge.

  12. 2020 Taki 1 chip challenge

    I’m the type who can take their wings extra spicy but this was rough

  13. At a Thai restaurant, I bit into a long green vegetable I thought was a green bean.

    It was not a green bean.

  14. I tried making my own ema datshi once, and that was extremely spicy, but I really enjoyed it.

  15. Grew my own jalapeños one year and made salsa. Regret-flavored salsa. Jalapeños shouldn’t get that hot. I’ve had habañero sauces that were easier. I dunno wtf happened.

  16. I put one drop off da bomb sauce on one burrito bite. Just one drop i said🥵♨️🌡️🔥🌶️🌶️🌶️

  17. Some yellow sauce at a Thai place. I thought it was honey mustard. Dipped some appetizer in it, put the whole thing in my mouth – thought I’d never recover.

  18. I accidentally ate a “decorative pepper” from hell at a very upscale oriental restaurant… on a date…. with my new boyfriend and his entire immediate family. 19 years later, we still hysterically laugh about it.

  19. Took a bite out of a habanero for a dare.

    This is why I say “white-girl spicy” when ordering Thai food.

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