As a male, are there any tried tested supplements or exercises that one can take or train to be able to last longer?

  1. I have found that simple cardio-vascular exercise, eating well, not drinking to excess and avoiding drugs has been successful for me.

    Cardio exercises can involve simple stretching and then a half-hour walk, a bike ride, or a paddle in a canoe or kayak. You can run if you are up to it.

    Avoid taking too much sugar in your diet. Sugar is not good for stamina and will contribute to weight gain, which affects libido and stamina.

    I would avoid supplements of any kind or excessive over-exercise regimes unless you are an athlete.

    Avoid stress as much as you can. Stress is very bad for your libido and health in general.

  2. You can search on reverse kegel exercises and also breathing techniques you can use to delay orgasm, I recommend both

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