I don’t know even where to start as this last year has been incredibly sporadic but I’d just gotten out of a 6-month relationship back in December I(18M) with her(18F) and the reason for the breakup was something along the lines of her telling me that she didn’t know her sexuality, as well as countless other just “get me out” excuses. Throughout the relationship, we would barely see each other and it always seemed like a one-sided desire on my end that I continued to put faith in for so long. She was rather manipulative throughout the relationship and the entire thing was just a disaster I was trying to keep together. Also just for the insight she told me I was in the relationship strictly for her body when she broke up with me, and during the 6-month relationship we didn’t even kiss or do anything physical and I even made the gesture of meeting her entire extended family on the second date(they loved me the entire duration). Besides the backstory, she has made countless appearances throughout the year until now. Starting with us having a rival track meet where her parents saw and spoke to me resulting in a DM of her gaslighting me for trying to speak to her parents. (I blocked her after that)( I also originally thought I had her blocked on everything but she found a hole). Then two months later she sent me a joking happy birthday via her friend’s Instagram account calling me some nickname my friends call me with a picture of my old temporary id she had. (I proceeded to block her friend). Then a couple of months later on an unmarked Instagram account(Her) messaged me apologizing for how she treated me during the relationship and how she felt guilty and proceeded to say we should talk and play a video game we played a lot together and when I insisted I would not want to be her friend and only see her in a relationship she got more hesitant to being friendly and it ended with me blocking her and telling her to leave me alone unless she knew what she wanted. Now come today another month later, I look at my phone and she liked my TikTok I posted a month ago and this is the only place I apparently don’t have her blocked.

I’m really just so puzzled and confused as to what she is trying to do and all it does is damage my mental health in the progress. She was my first relationship and I still have some feelings for her regardless of everything she did to me but she always seems incredibly uninterested but still can’t feel the need to leave me alone.

Is she just continuously toying with me so I should just block her and move on? Is this her finally coming and wanting me to message her? Is she bating me into messaging her?

I just don’t understand her motives whatsoever and I would really appreciate an outside perspective.

Thank you so much.

  1. Sounds like the person she was talking to realized how delusional she is & now she’s back to guilt trip you into coming back . 🙃

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