What is the best and the worst on a distance relationship?

  1. You get to talk alot, you get to know how much communication is really damn important. The time you spend together tho feels really important.
    You get to travel more, miss them in a way you don’t had before (good and bad as I see it)

    Worst is just never able to see them when you want, the time to close the distance if that is a thing. Lack of physichal touch. Just needing to planing every visit because of vacationdays.

  2. best: being able to bond socially more than physically. you become like best friends and it helps your relationship so much. communication is a must and always happens in healthy relationships

    worst: fucking like rabbits and spending way too much time when youre together as someone else says. it can be distracting when youre with other people while in the same city as them, all you want to do is be in their arms and it kinda ruins your mood.

  3. Husband and I were LDR for three years before getting married.

    -Communications becomes everything.
    -You learn to value the little things (like holding hands or just sitting next to each other while watching a movie)
    -Appreciation of alone time and personal space. You learn that you can be your own person but decide to share your life with your SO.

    -Obviously the distance
    -Lack of physical contact
    -When you’re together, it can be a lot so you’d have to still have personal time even then

    There’s a lot more but these are the ones on the top of my head.

  4. Physical touch is very important to me so I find it to be a difficult thing long term. If they were gone a month for work then came back on and off for two months home, or drafted into a war after our relationship was strongly established I could do it because the connection was made in person over a long time but I couldn’t have my significant other in another state or country all the time. At that point what’s the point.

  5. I think the best part about it is that your trust in each other is really solid if you’ve got a healthy relationship. The bad part is never getting to spend any consistent time with each other and there has to be more emphasis on communication

  6. It forces you to take your time getting to know each other. You get to genuinely miss each other.

    The worst: not being able to spend quality time together. The lack of physical intimacy. Time schedules not aligning. Missing out on important moments in life. Not being able to properly comfort each other. Feeling like you’re living two lives. Missing them too much. Relying on technology just to keep connected.

  7. Best – you get to live your life however you want most of the time. Allows you to be independent and not pull away from your friends.

    Worst – when you want a hug from them so bad but you won’t see them until next week. Or perhaps the pressure to make the once a week quality time SUPER high quality bc it’s the only time you get with them.

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