I get pain with insertion (feels like tearing and cutting) but if I suck it up for a few minutes it gets better. Its usually sore afterwards too but that goes away fairly quickly too. Does anyone else relate? Any solutions?

  1. Yes I have the same problem it always starts off really painful but then gets better but never pleasurable haven’t found any solutions though but I definitely relate

  2. How severe is the pain? If it’s severe and really bothers you then seek medical help. But otherwise I think it’s like stretching any other muscle, a little initial pain to get used to it, and a little sore after. Especially if he is big. But to me it’s good pain like getting a good workout in. I relate but no solutions haha!

  3. This is happens usually when the pelvic floor muscles are tighter superficially. That can be due to scaring from a vaginal birth, or due to chronic pelvic floor tightness. It can also occur if there is not enough foreplay because the vagina lengthens and widens when it is aroused. If this isn’t happening, then inital penetration can be painful

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