Hello there.

Just wanted to know where nerdy, introverted women usually hang out, I’m asking because nightclubs and bars seem to attract a certain type of woman, and I’m not sure how much I want those type of girls in my life.

So I’m looking for the opinions of guys who’ve dated/dating nerdy women, and also the opinions of the nerdy girls on this sub. All opinions are welcome. Thanks in advance.

  1. >where nerdy, introverted women usually hang out

    I personally usually don’t hang out much in public. My partner and I met on a discord gaming server.

  2. The thing is, those girls still got guys lined up for them

    Unless you don’t mind the chubby ones

  3. I met a few of those while studying different languages (both french and spanish). Never got anywhere with them, but I hope you have more luck than I do.

  4. Depends on the type of nerd you want but probably museums, art galleries, maybe more quiet places?

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