Hey all,

So im seeing this girl and decided to make out with her, after asking her multiple times of having any symptoms of stds. She said no. I thought making out was pretty low risk given that she has only been with a few guys in the past and said she has no symptoms of sores.

8 hours later I have a sore throat – nothing else just a feeling at the back of my throat. It isn’t that bad, but I’m going to get it tested.

Do you guys think I should be worried? I did eat very cold stuff earlier in the day and I could possibly be having a sore throat because of that. Cheers.

  1. Could be tonsillitis? Some people can be lifelong asymptomatic carriers of the disease and pass it on to others through kissing. I know this first hand unfortunately after kissing a person and they told me after when I complained of a sore throat…

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