If everyone was required to have a warning label, what would yours say?

  1. I’d need a full MSDS. I’d need so much shit on there that it’s like the warning sheet that comes with the pill, or anti depressants. There’d be at least a page about my assorted mental illnesses and comorbidities, warnings about sudden loud noises causing panic attacks, about how I frequently need reminders to eat or go outside, about how I cannot sleep (or relax properly) without pharmaceutical assistance.

    Then there’d be a page about physical shit, like my knees not working, my hands having shaky days, **DO NO INTERACT WITH LATEX; EXPOSE TO DAIRY AT YOUR OWN RISK**. Caution: needs glasses but insists she’s fine.

    Then all the random shit, like do not allow to come into contact with cucumber. Warning, will never shut up about the Lord of the Rings. Does not get along with children. Violence may ensue upon insistence that she will change her mind about having them. Will get upset if her nails don’t look nice.

    I guess if you had to summarise, it’d have to say “Warning: Unstable substance. Unfit for human consumption.”

  2. Will not initiate conversations or efforts to hang out. Do not take these defects personally.

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