What made you realise you were in an abusive relationship?

  1. When something didn’t go her way or when she was told something she didn’t like to hear she very quickly started screaming.

    She eventually threw shit at me and scratched me twice. Somehow at that time I didn’t think she was abusive, people can be really manipulative and I was in one of the worst mental states of my life so I couldn’t see shit clearly either.

  2. When i was paying the bills and had to provide all the romance. Realized real quick this ship is sinking fast.

  3. took her cheating on me to realize that every time she’d get mad she’d get physical with me like slapping and hitting me

  4. There were so many moments when I legitimately just considered saying, “f you I’m done with this.”

    A lot of lying about stupid things, for instance they would *drunk text* me and then later say that they’ve never been drunk in their entire life.

    Emotional manipulation, like the silent treatment, or always making you feel like the villain of the relationship.

    When they start insulting or verbally abusing you /belittling you in front of other people.

    Like a lot of other people in abusive relationships I rationalized my partner’s behavior and overlooked things that I really should have called out because I thought I loved them. At the time I couldn’t perceive the idea that someone who *loved me* would intentionally try to hurt me or make me feel inferior so they could be *in charge*.

  5. Because she didn’t consider it cheating unless she got naked. She felt she could pursue other men but I wasn’t allowed to look at another woman.

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