Hey. What are your plans for the weekend?

  1. After work run. Long bike ride tomorrow, going to try to go for a Strava kom. Watching sports, doing some chores, maybe a group bike ride Sunday.
    What about you?

  2. Working tonight and then just relaxing after work.

    Tomorrow, cleaning, laundry, running errands, maybe meet some friends at the bar at night.

    Sunday is up in the air. It’s my dad’s birthday but my mom is still recovering from having COVID. She tested positive today even though she’s feeling OK now, and if she’s still positive on Sunday, we’ll delay taking them out to dinner until she’s fully done with the virus.

  3. Sleep until noon. Clean a bit around the house. Code. Sleep until noon. Catch up with JoJo. Code some more. Sleep.

  4. Work in the morning, hit the beach in the afternoon and we’ll see what happens from there. How about you?

  5. Ukrainian festival in the morning/noon, then work in the afternoon. Planning on getting some fucking perogies.

  6. I have a funeral to attend tomorrow, and then take my daughter to a birthday party in the evening. Probably play Fallout 4 the rest of the day. I don’t mind the funeral; it’s for an older guy at church whom I’ve known for decades and have a lot of respect for. The birthday party is a bit annoying; I’d rather my wife do it, because it’s always mostly moms there who look at me like I’m a child molester in their midst. But the wife is working, and the birthday girl is my kid’s latest bff, so…what can you do? 🤷‍♂️

  7. Going into town with my Mum later today, then on Sunday I’m travelling into London to meet an online friend and got a bunch of activities planned.

  8. Tomorrow I’m going to wake up go get coffee from a shop and read a book for a bit, then I’m going to the movies, and after that I haven’t planned it out, but I’ll either go out to a bar or two or stay in and play Elden Ring

  9. Nothing!!

    First weekend I have in a long time free; so I’m going to Fuck around and sleep and watch tv and MAYBE grab a beer with a buddy on football Sunday

  10. maybe skating at least once this weekend .


    deep clean the house.

    study for a class i’m

  11. I plan to make some minor fall/ winter wardrobe pickups so I will try looking for bargains and coupons

  12. Studying for exam, motorcycle riding, probably going to do a basic tune up on my car (plugs, coils, check alignment, and replace all air filters)

  13. Work in my shop on some of my cars tomorrow morning. Take the boat to dinner tomorrow night. Shoot a 3 gun competition on Sunday. Rest Sunday evening.

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