Long story short, I made a mistake and ended up ghosting a friend over Discord for an extended period of time because I was angry with them. It wasn’t a two-way street, either, the last message that the friend in question sent me was very nice, hoping that we could hang out again. And I really want to contact them again and see how they’re doing, but my anxiety can’t help but make me think it would be awkward after waiting so long to do it.

I don’t know if this is a named phenomenon is sociology or not, but it feels like it would be something that other people would experience, so I decided to visit here to get this off my chest. What do y’all think? Should I just bite the bullet and message them? Will they be mad at me for leaving them hanging for so long?

1 comment
  1. When I ghost ppl only to realize it was PROBS uncalled for n I don’t ACTUALLY wanna cut them… I usually open with an apology, just sumthin simple in case it was nbd for them, eg:

    “Hey homegirl, so srry for ghostin out past couple months! 😅 Miss u! 😘 How u been?”

    If they ARE a lil like… yeah, tf was that about lol, then I’ll give a more full apology, EG:

    “Tbh, I was PO’d bout some stupid shit n goy it in my head to be a petty ass bitch, NEGL; not cool, that’s mb, srry girl 😔💕”

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