I’m 38/m and recently started dating a 48/f I met off hinge. 2nd date we met 3 days after the first. I ended up going home with her and the date continued until 2pm the next day with her missing many work calls to be in bed with me. She said it was the longest and best date she’s ever been on.

3rd date we met 3-4 days after that. We went to dinner and a club I go to, since she asked me to go dancing. She pulled me aside in the club and said ‘do you know you’re extremely good looking? Why are you being so shy with me every time we meet’. She’d lean in and want to kiss me and I’d sort of lean in but not go all the way to keep her on her toes. We did kiss after some teasing. I assume this is what she was referring to by that.

I get us an Uber to her house to drop her off and again she wants me to stay over. We ended up having sex multiple times again first on the couch then on her bed. We fell asleep. I woke up super hard and start touching her and she’s smiling before eventually fucking her without saying a word. I said good morning at the end of it and she laughed. She made us cappuccino and we sat outside in her yard and talked, had a shower together, then went out for brunch, then a long hike in her favourite park. She said here she loves spending time with me. I said ‘I love spending time with you too’. She also kept asking me what I’m thinking.

We came home and I massaged her body, fingered and ate her out again to the point where she was quivering when I wasn’t even touching her for about 5 mins after the orgasms. This went on for an hour or two before eventually we both realized that it was almost 8pm and I needed to get home as I worked early the next day.

She was initiating kisses all day-at brunch, in the park. I dropped her off in front of a grocery store as she had to get stuff for her trip the next day. We kissed and she said ‘that’s the best send off to a grocery store ever’.

She was supposed to go to the Montreal cycling Grand Prix the next day with her friend since she loves to bike. It was 12 hours of driving in one day. She sent me pictures when she got home and a min and a half long voice note at 11:30pm. I responded with a voice message asking what team she was rooting for. It said she ‘kept’ the message. She never bothered to respond.

I haven’t heard from her in 2 days. She typically has responded almost right away for the last month. We’ve never gone a day without talking.

Why the pull away? I haven’t nor plan on sending another message until she reaches out.

  1. You usually don’t root for teams in cycling, more for individual riders. That’s probably why…

  2. I’m sorry man, I have been single with absolutely no luck for over seven years, I just wanted to share empathy and say I’m rooting for you! Maybe she’ll get back to you or something happened that’s out of your control, she sounds fucking into you! I know there are things called flings and this might be a prime example of a fling that flung or it’s still flunging and just like I said something came up out of your control, maybe her phone died, maybe she doesn’t have money to pay it, hell maybe something happened to her phone! But you know what also I see that she could have used her friends phone to reach out and contact you in some way. I’m sorry

  3. It sounds like she’s doing most of the initiating, and you’re just passively going with the flow. Do you actually like her or are you just seeing her for the sex?

  4. Honestly man don’t give up, from what it sounds like you two are definitely good for each other.

    Has she been online, has she read your messages etc ?.

    You gotta put more effort in if you do go out again, it’s all well and good giving it to her and making her orgasm but women want a confident man that asks questions.

    Maybe learn about what she loves and ask questions about it next you go out, if you go out again.

    Keep us updated !

  5. Whatever the reasons (likely psychological in nature) for her pull away and silence: they are a red flag that would continue to play a large role in a possible relationship.

  6. She either met someone else who has her attention or she wasn’t that into you to begin with. Could also be dealing with life (sick family, stress, etc.) Tough pill to swallow, but it’s time to delete the phone number and keep it moving. She will contact you if she is interested in picking up and continuing.

  7. She’s giving it some space. Let her come around. Maybe text in a couple days and offer to go out again.

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