For further context I refer you to my previous posts.

As I was saying I’ve been confused already because recently I’ve found myself watching gay porn, even though otherwise I felt straight.

Well now I’m really confused and looking for some ideas about what this means.
Even now I don’t know about if identifying as bi would be accurate, but I don’t feel completely normal either right now.

I play football twice a week with a group of friends and in the last couple of weeks a new guy has joined the group.

He’s quite a big, tall guy, attractive etc.
I find myself really attracted to him and I hate feeling like this.

I feel quite nervous around him, which is weird enough but not as disturbing as how I reacted on Tuesday.

It was after in the changing room and he took his shirt off and for a moment I thought about him wrapping his arms around me and I ‘wet’ myself slightly.
I obviously feel ashamed of myself. Luckily none of the guys can tell I’m in awe of him but it’s screwing with my head.

I feel like it’s gone beyond just appreciating a guy who keeps in shape and has ventured into sexual feelings.
I must add there could be several reasons for this and maybe I’m not really attracted to him.
It could still be a weird phase.

I had a wet dream last night (which I haven’t in a long time) dreaming about him. I’m questioning myself more than ever.
Outside of porn imagining it, I’ve never dreamed about having sex with another man before.

I feel really alone and I hate myself rn. There must be other guys who have similar feelings.
I’d like to chat with someone just to feel less alone tbh.

What should I think or do about this? Wtf am I?

  1. Have you tried therapy? Not to change your sexual feelings but to accept yourself whatever you are.

    Gay, straight, bisexual… there’s nothing wrong with any of those sexualities and I hope you get to a point where you don’t hate yourself over feelings

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