Are there any foods you avoid ordering on a first date?

  1. Wouldn’t order things like ribs or pizza (which you mostly eat with your hands) or any smelly foods (lots of garlic etc).

    Try a nice steak or pasta which eats a lot easier and avoids awkward situations

  2. Fake meat.

    I don’t mind vegans/vegetarians, but the idea of “lab meat” is disgusting to me.

  3. can’t think of anything I would judge for… though my girlfriend likes to eat roasted garlic by the bulb at the moment which makes her breath fucking lethal. i should imagine that wouldn’t be great for somebody to indulge in on a date

  4. I don’t really judge people on what they eat, but I’d probably notice if someone ordered veal.

  5. If she orders the most expensive thing on the menu she’s out. Alternatively ordering a salad then eating of my plate.

  6. Something with garlic I have a big nose so I can smell somethings heavily and garlic makes it worse

  7. Well done steak.

    edit: or if you ask them to remove any green stuff from the meal

  8. i order only a sweet potato and side salad without egg at texas roadhouse; the first time, my girl thought i was vegetarian

    no, i just really like texas roadhouse’s sweet potato and side salad

  9. Depends on how she manages it. I am always prepared. I always have antacid/antigas and mouthwash in my car emergency bag. Definitely hit that shit if we’re doing Italian, Latin or Indian food.

    If she’s pounding down garlic It’s a clear indication she’s only up for food and then headed right home. Pretty handy bellwether. No judgment either way.

  10. The most expensive thing on the menu, taking an hour to chose something … or nearly raw steak

  11. Not the food specifically but ordering foods that don’t fit with the spirit of the restaurant would make me wonder, why she wouldn’t just tell me she didn’t want to go there.

    Example: most curry houses in England also serve chicken tenders, fries, pork sausages… for kids.

  12. If she orders chicken tenders and fries on a first date, you’re gonna fight a lot about what to eat going forward into that relationship. Edit: at a specific culture or themed restaurant when it’s not a primary menu item, but rather on the kids menu

  13. honestly? unless you screw up big time, your tastes are your tastes, and while I do appreciate educated taste A LOT, people who can eat everything and can distinguish a well made pizza from a bad pizza or a bad steak from a good steak, I don’t care if you prefer something over something else if we take this in a vacuum where we could order the perfect version of everything. However, I really think that understanding how restaurants work and what their strenghts and weaknesses are going to be is a form of cultural and educational intelligence: knowing which foods to order, which pairings to make, etc. . I’ve always seen so many people have bad experiences in restaurants because they failed to understand what the restaurant was about. I’ve also seen so many people fail to understand how a meal in a restaurant should play out and just give in to their tastes without considering whether it is a good idea or not.

    For example, I’ve seen people who just eat appetizers for dinner and then leave, without actually experiencing the core offering of the restaurant, and then complain that they didn’t get to eat anything special. People who go to what clearly looked like expensive restaurants expecting to get a cheap meal then forcing everyone to leave because they can’t afford it and then stating that the prices were absurd. Or people who go to cheap restaurants and then complain that the service is rudimental. People who go abroad, then order a dish that is originally from where they come from, then complain when it’s not done in the exact way it’s done where they come from. Or I’ve seen people ordering meat in a clearly fish-based place, or viceversa. It often happens that some menu options are there to appease the odd customer, not because they actually want you to order them. Of course, it’s true that a good restaurant should make every part of its offerings the best it can make them, but it’s also true that if a meat based restaurant didn’t offer vegetarian options it would be losing out on a lot of clients so they’re basically forced to offer them, yet meat still remains their core offering so it’s what you should order if you’re not vegetarian. This is why you SHOULD know what the restaurant is about before getting inside, if you know you’re going to want something in particular. If you don’t have big requirements such as health complications or being vegetarian (nothing wrong with that, but it’s clearly something you should acknowledge BEFORE getting inside a restaurant) then you should have proper gastronomical education and be able to eat everything without being picky.

    Knowing how to behave at a restaurant, in the sense of manners and actual know-how, is key to both have a good dining experience. If you order out of season vedgetables I’m going to silently acknowledge that you don’t know how to go to a restaurant. I also really dislike people who don’t have proper dieting manners: e.g. people who snack all day long but then don’t eat anything for dinner and lunch, forcing me to either go hungry or them to watch me eat while they don’t eat anything.

    I would never actually tell the person I’m dining with all these things, nor it’s going to make me change my overall opinion on these people, but I’m going to note in the back of my mind that they, for how amazing that they may be for everything else, are not good people to go dining with. If you didn’t understand from this post, I have plenty of friends who are otherwise amazing, but really don’t know how restaurants work. A common thread in my girlfriends was that they always were amazing people to eat with

  14. Well done steak.

    Very expensive or most expensive item on menu if she knows I’m paying.

    And as others have said she orders something light like just a salad and then proceeds to eat off my plate.

  15. I’m not a vegan, but even I side-eye someone a little for ordering veal. It’s like something only serial killers and dictators would order.

    “Ah yes, give me the youngest most supple baby cow. Delicious.”

  16. I’d be annoyed if she ordered the exact same thing I order.

    I like to share bites of food.

  17. I’d avoid blood pudding on a first date (and it isn’t really served in restaurants anyway), but I eat 1-2kg of it every month lol

  18. I don’t care what you order, just make a decision.

    Don’t sit there playing on your phone, or jabbering for twenty minutes while the waiter comes back three times.

  19. I would argue that the crazier the order the more attracted I would be. I love people who are unapologetically themselves

  20. Monkey, human, turtle, cat, dog, okra, sarcophagus juice, shit, the table, seal, whale, milk steak, crow, Fight Milk, the blood of mine enemies, sea urchin, just an appetizer.

  21. Not really, but I find it a bit annoying is he/she cannot make up his/her mind, or tries to defer to me. It’s your food. You have to eat it. Why should I have any say in your choice of meal?

    The only acceptable question in this situation is: Should I order a plate of appetizers/ fries to share?

  22. Most expensive thing on the menu. It’s just bad manners when someone else is paying for you. However it is different if you’ve been dating for a while. Treating a girl to her favorite dish, even if it’s the most expensive one, is a pleasure. This extends to other situations where someone is paying for you. If its a relatively new relationship, don’t go for the most expensive item. If its someone you’ve known for a while, then feel free to get whatever you want.

  23. Asking for mayonnaise – i don’t even have to be on a date to judge you for this – or not ordering anything at all, saying you’re ‘not hungry’ and then proceed to pick at my food.
    First off if we’re going out to eat and you don’t eat, you should have said so and we could have done something else. Secondly, I like my fries and if you wanted some you should have ordered some, I don’t want to have less just because you liked how my food looked/smelled.

  24. I would judge more on what they don’t eat to be honest or what they refuse to try

  25. None because I’m not a broke ass. Y’all are weird af on here with these questions.

  26. I guess I’d judge her if, prior to ordering it, asks the waiter what the most expensive thing on the menu is

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