I imagine that most of us are driving around with things in the trunk that “needs to go to Goodwill/Thrift Store, I do, do you?

  1. Nope. I have a spot in the house to “stage” donations and take them there all at once. I don’t want random stuff inhabiting my trunk and rolling around, getting damaged, and making noise.

  2. Nope. I have a truck, anything left back there would be soaked and better left for the dumpster.

  3. Not in my trunk. But I do have an area in my basement where I put all the stuff that will be donated.

  4. No, I have a bed rather than a trunk and I keep the interior clean. Nothing under the back seat but a tool box and an emergency bag.

  5. All I have in there is a spare blanket that I was told I needed in winter here, and a tire iron.

  6. Yep absolutely. I do a pretty good job of dropping it off every now and then. Then adding more.

  7. Things I keep in the bed of my truck.

    – Tool box

    – Large tote filled with various fluids, tie downs, spare parts, chain, tow straps, etc.

    – Jack

    – Spare trailer tire

    – Shovel and sledge hammer

    Even under the back seat is just a crow bar, sleeping bag, a couple ratchet straps, either a 1 7/8″ or 2″ ball depending on what’s on my hitch, and a decent lumen handheld spotlight.

    So outside of the ice scraper sitting out, I like to keep things clean/organized, and make sure everything has a place and purpose.

  8. My wife does this and it’s annoying. Because every time we have to put something back there, we have to take the bag of clothes OUT and then put it back IN when we get home. “You’ve been saying you will donate that for weeks, just freakin do it already!”

  9. Nope- it stays in house or garage until I plan a drop off. At most, maybe 3 days, if drop off line is too long and I’ll try again another day.

  10. Yep. I’ve got several bags of shoes, a dog dish, pans and other flotsam and jetsam rattling around in my trunk right now.

  11. No.

    And I don’t *because* of me doing this lol

    If I don’t take it to the donation center *that day,* I throw it away.

  12. lol not in my trunk, but I’ve definitely done that though. For a while I just had it in my garage because I got tired of pulling it out all the time. Then it just sat in my garage, and any time I pulled in I had to make sure not to hit it.

    I remember getting a flier that donates things to military veterans. And they just came to pick them up. I’ve been going to a homeless shelter and depending what it was a place that takes in stray animals.

  13. No, I don’t have trash pickup, and the recycling center has a container for Goodwill/Salvation Army clothes and another for Habitat for Humanity furniture and stuff over on the right hand side away from the gross dumpsters and regular recycling. It’s a fairly genius idea, but since volunteering with Goodwill years ago, sometimes I feel like donating clothes is just saying “here, you throw this away.”

  14. Hasn’t even made it to the truck yet. A couple more months in the corner of my room before it even gets to that stage lol.

  15. Shut up, I hate you. Yes I have several boxes in the back. They’ve been there for weeks.

  16. No I have to occasionally go onto a military base. I keep the trunk clean so when they do trunk checks it’s quick.

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