And like actually attractive not “ugly but attractive in other ways/internally”

  1. Some things you can’t do anything about, other things you can. I think a lot of guys just throw up their hands and give up because there were not born with perfect genetics.

    You can’t change your height or your facial features.

    You can get fit, dress well, groom yourself, shower and have good hygiene, wear cologne, be confident and engaging. For the love god have you fucking life together. If you are working as a coffee Barista living in your parents basement then shit is going to be hard if you are looking for a long term.

    You don’t need to beat out 90% of men in that department to meet women. If you are beating out at least 50% (which is not hard these days) then you are going to end up getting at least some bites.

  2. I mean it depends on the degree. But no one would be hurt by hitting the gym (especially focus on your back, chest and shoulders, but don’t skip legs). Arms can be nice, but (1) you’ll hit them a lot doing back and chest anyways and (2) nothing tops a V shaped physique.

  3. Quit porn/masturbation. It’s a thief. It steals the hunt away from yourself and your prospective partner. We’re better without it. Noticeably so.

  4. Stop worrying about that shit

    You’re not doing yourself any favors

    Odds are it’s not your looks that keep you single, it’s probably your self hatred

    Stop indulging your insecurities

    Stop feeding them

    Stop trying to be perfect

    Just enjoy life

    If you meet a person who likes you, than cool
    If they don’t, than be a grown up and say “cool” anyways

    Just stop, how is this kinda mindert not the real issue?

    Ya know whose the last person you should trust on how attractive you are? Yourself, they will always say the worst shit

    Yourself is your worst enemy

    How can anyone love you if you can’t believe you even deserve it?

  5. One of the best things you can do is get in shape. Some of you guy’s aren’t even ugly, you’re just fat as fuck. Body positivity doesn’t work for men. Also make sure to take care of your hair too! Lastly work on your confidence/aura. Worst comes to worst…..”money makes me handsome” Gucci Mane

  6. Get in shape, find a good hair and beard style that suits you, be confident. Looking presentable is the first thing.

  7. Are you currently:

    – Reasonably fit.

    – Wearing clothes that fit you properly.

    – Assuming you have hair, sporting a haircut done by someone who actually has a clue what they’re doing with hair.

    If the answer to any of these is “no”, then you haven’t exactly tried very hard to look attractive.

  8. Take care of your body, brush your teeth, keep your nails clean, make sure you’re wearing clean clothes.

    Be confident, posture says a lot about you, speak like you have your life together. Bonus points if you actually do.

    A good sense of humour is always attractive

  9. By blessed with attractive features, you probably mean born pretty. But u dont have to be pretty to be attractive. There are more than just one ty0es of attraction. You just have to succeed in more types than you fail

  10. Money mostly and any woman that says she doesn’t care about money is either lying, ugly or has money from a good career herself lol

  11. gym.

    A beautiful body seems to be a universal crowd pleaser.

    also, if you really and truly believe that your looks are holding you back, it’s time you start congregating with a different type of people. All types of people are capable of being loved.

  12. Nobody is universally unattractive. Even if you’re objectively physically unattractive, you have plenty of room to showcase your winning personality, sense of humor, compassion, and varied skills and interests.

    Also, you’re probably underrating yourself. Regardless, now is likely the most handsome/pretty that you’ll ever be. Don’t spend your youth moaning about your looks; you’ll wish you had them back later.

    This is good news, though, if physical attractiveness isn’t your strong suit. Looks always fade, but a good personality is lifelong. I’m sure you’ve noticed that conspicuously beautiful people aren’t always the most…well, let’s say they haven’t had to put too much effort into their personality. They *will* become less attractive with time, and most of them will want to trade places with you later in life.

    For now, just keep your grooming and hygiene up, but don’t break a sweat over your looks.

  13. photofeeler says i am 2/10, i am perfect as i am, i am not the one with the problem… have always been single, no friends…

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