Why do you/don’t you believe in the idea of a soulmate?

  1. I think that it is possible to connect with different individuals in a way that compliments each other’s mental, emotional, physical, and/or spiritual ways of being. Therefore, I don’t think of any one person being our only soulmate. There’s endless amounts of people we haven’t met yet who could very well be our person.

  2. There are 8 billion people on this planet. Of course you’re going to be compatible with more than one.

    I don’t believe in fate and am not spiritual, so I think the idea that there’s a person meant/made just for you is nonsensical anyway.

  3. I rlly like the Greek theory that before everyone had 4 arms, 4 legs, etc. then one day everyone got split up into 2 individual people

  4. I Don’t believe in word soulmate, but I believe in destiny. Meaning, if they choose each other when they met, in love each other and choose to stay. There is no pattern or instruction on how to do it for not to mistake, but it’s up on the decission that they made.

  5. Well…

    My husband and I lived in different countries on different continents. Years ago I happened to be visiting his country for 5 days but i was in a different state, a very small town four hours away from him, and somehow, we still managed to meet each other and fall in love. We went through long distance for years and eventually got married. To this day, we love each other even more than we did then.

    I did have some relationships before him and I did fall in love with other guys but today I look back and realise none of them were my soulmates or even as compatible as my husband is.

    I do believe we were meant and destined to be with each other despite everything.

    5,160 miles.
    8,300 km.
    And we still found each other.

  6. tbh the only reason i kinda believe in soulmates is bc i found one in my best friend… never felt that way in any of my “romantic” relationships

  7. No. I believe relationships don’t just fall into your lap. It’s work, it should be work. Also the concept implies a certain believe of fate which I don’t have. The soul isn’t even proven to exist, it’s a concept.

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