So my girlfriend of close to 5 years now has been added to a group chat with two other guys she used to go school with a few years ago. She was good mates with them. But one of them, she was talking to and they were seeing each other so almost like dating but weren’t official. Then when she met me, she decided to go for me instead and this caused the guy to kick off and not talk to her for a few months, until he popped up apologising. My girlfriend didn’t want anything to do with him anymore so she ignored it.
Now fast forward to today (4years later) she was added to the group chat and both the guys want to meet up with her for a catch up and she surprisingly seems keen.
I’m alright with her meeting up with one of the guys but have a bad feeling about the guy she was talking to before she met me.
I’m worried she will go back to him secretly (my mother cheated on my father like 4 times before he realised so I have trust issues) or something or he’s gunna try and get with my girlfriend again and the whole situation will repeat itself where he is unsuccessful and he will kick off.
What shall I say? I’ve said I’m not happy with her meeting up with that guy but she says she might do it as they were mates before.

  1. You need to realise you cannot stop someone from cheating. And think a out the logic of that as well. It doesn’t make sense to say to your partner that you don’t want them to see someone in case they cheat. That’s what trust is. There is nothing inherently wrong with her meeting up with someone from her romantic past, despite what reddit may have you believe it’s quite common and not a huge disrespect, if you don’t trust her it sounds like a you problem.

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