I am 24(F) used a dating app for the first time to casually date a guy.He sounded genuine so I agreed to meet him in a person. We met..we liked each other. He shared a lot about his life which was pretty genuine. Our wavelengths matched and I kept meeting him for a while now. We are mentally and physically involved now and since last week i feel like he is hiding something.I have a doubt he is dating someone else. I tried asking him in several ways. Should I just move on or wait for him? I am very confused as I am fine with both so decided to seek advice from reddit community.

  1. That feeling you feel is your gut instincts protecting you from something that is just not right. Listen to your gut and not your heart. Your heart will hurt you every time. Good luck

  2. Exclusivity with is not an assumption you can afford to make with online dating. Multi dating is fairly normal.

    You need to have a conversation about exclusivity if you want to get more serious about the relationship. You should not just assume it is a serious relationship because of sex and connection.

    Most people wait between a month and up to three months before talking about exclusivity.

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