I’ve had a long life with many adventures.

But I accurately portrayed Gordon Freeman in a film (with crowbar and goatee and everything), and I consider that to be one of my shining moments of cool.

How about you?

  1. In my entire life? That would be hard to pinpoint. If you ask my kids, I’m a boring dad.

    But more recently and something I just commented about elsewhere. I chose a practical career and got married and had a family. But in my younger days, I was in bands. I was a guitarist. I was good. (could play the guitar like ringing a bell) I knew I would never go commercial, I knew that then, but I enjoyed getting out in front of people and performing. It was a thrill and fun.

    My wife and I went to a bar a couple weeks back. A place popular for x-ers and older Z-ers. They do an amateur night for those who want to perform. A lot of people there. My wife pressured me to play something. There was so much good talent there. I hadn’t performed in 20 years. But i got up there. I performed and sang a stripped down acoustic version of a song we all know. The crowd reaction was – the best way I can describe it is: somber. I was concerned i was choking. Nobody was doing anything. It was just quiet. But at the end, everyone erupted in applause. I was asked to do more. A guy came up to me afterword and he said, “Dude, I felt like you were singing the eulogy at the funeral of my childhood.” That hit me pretty hard. I had no idea people were taking it that hard. But I miss that sort of performer/audience exchange. So yeah, coolest thing I recently did. I think I want to start doing it a little more.

  2. I ride motorcycles. Is that considered cool?

    I live a somewhat tame and boring life outside of motorcycling lol.

    I did get my name in the newspaper when I played in little league, so maybe that’s cool?

  3. Drove around at 2am and explored some woods to find an abandoned drive in movie theater. That was a pretty cool adventure.

  4. I am a triathlete avg workout hours 8-10 hours a week, combining that with my job as a building engineer where I am solely responsible for drawing, managing the build of multi million houses.

  5. The coolest I’ve ever felt was during a day party we were playing baseball with cans of beer for balls and a 2×4 for a bat. I funnel gunned three cans off the roof, walked up to the plate, and smashed one over the fence and everyone cheered. I miss college, you could get away with being an absolute piece of shit barbarian and people would cheer you on as you did it.

  6. Last week I went on the St Jude ride. 1000 miles on a motorcycle and I’ve never ridden that far. Between doing that and the run last month, I’ve directly helped raise $1.4 million for St Jude children’s hospital this year.

  7. A guy wad beating down my neighbour door with a sledge hamme I was 17 and I heard the screaming then went our and attacked him with my 2nd hand samurai sword

  8. I saw behind the curtain

    I think it scares me so much that a few of my hairs turned white and Ive been going to church ever since

  9. Saved a man’s life after he got stabbed in the neck with a broken bottle. Walked off and let the doormen at the pub we were at take all the credit. A select few of us know different and I’m good with that.

  10. Deep water soloing in Spain, climbing above the ocean on nice overhanging rock was incredible.

  11. Got to hang in the green room and hallways of the Howard stern show while my friend got her breasts painted.

  12. I traveled to the Congo during the ebola outbreak in 2019 in order to help get their treatment centers up and running. The outbreak was occurring in the middle of a conflict zone so there were armed UN guards everywhere I went, armored vehicles and helicopters required for transit between towns, etc. Felt a bit like a badass

  13. I partied all night on the replica of Sir Francis Drake’s ship *The Golden Hind*. Some jetlagged-looking Japanese tourists walked by and took pictures of us swinging from the rigging and playing pirates. So somewhere in Japan someone’s vacation photo album has a picture of me and the boys swilling rum and swordfighting with replica sabers. That’s pretty cool.

  14. After a massive hurricane decimated a coastal town, and the national guard spent all their time “setting up” and zero time rescuing, I jumped in boats with friends and went and rescued strangers from the floods.

    It was an amazing feeling, and the gratitude we were shown gave me a dopamine high like no other.

  15. I’ve done a lot of cool stuff in my life (I think it’s cool anyway). But the thing that tops my list right now would be surfing in Costa Rica before first light in a spot that was full of bioluminescent algae. The waves would turn electric blue when they would break. It was like having fireflies all around you when you were paddling out, it was incredible.

  16. When I got my multi engine commercial flight license. After the checkride was over and the FAA examiner told me that if I can taxi the plane back without crashing I passed. I almost threw up from all the nerves.

  17. I wend down an Olympic Bob sled course naked once.

    I was young and drunk, cold and terrifying by half way down.

  18. lived in the woods for a week with only the bare minimum amount of calories needed in rice

    made a shelter, worked out, built my own fires to keep me warm at night, had to boil my own water, etc

    Was so much fun, hope to do it again next summer

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