As a European, this is one aspect of American culture that I’m a bit jealous of.

  1. If you’re invested in the team, it’s extremely entertaining, and also extremely frustrating for some of us. My alma mater is extremely frustrating to watch, but there I am every Saturday watching them.

  2. Progressively less as I get older; I still have it on but it’s more in the background than what I spend my day doing. Largely because it’s hard to set aside 4+ hours of my day to watch one game with all the ad breaks.

  3. I’m an alum of a big SEC football school & so are most of my family. my parents met at a college football game. so, naturally, it has always been a huge part of my life. I watch games on tv, but I much prefer to watch in person. I’ve been to home games at UGA (Georgia), Alabama, Auburn (also in Alabama), Florida, LSU (Louisiana), and Wisconsin. all of these teams do a fantastic game day. I would recommend it to any tourist interested in American sports.

  4. It’s something that I have on in the background when I’m cooking and eating, but not something I follow closely.

  5. It’s very entertaining especially if you have a connection with a team.

    I actually think it is more fun to watch than the NFL because there are so many more mistakes and strange plays.

  6. Going to a college game is a lot of fun. Same with a pro game. The tailgating etc.

    Many get together for food and drinks to watch.

    My wife and a few of our neighbors went to the same Uni. So, Saturday afternoon is usually spent with a crowd on the covered back porch eating and drinking a few while the game plays on a mounted big screen tv.

  7. I went to a brewery today and college football was on. A few people were watching the game, it wasn’t super busy. I’m sure sports bars were more packed. Our hometown team was playing at home. Tons of people out on the town wearing Huskies and Michigan clothing. We saw a purple Huskies RV driving down the freeway to the stadium.

    I think only 17 states have professional NFL football. There is plenty of fan appetite from college sports. Culturally we’re big sports fans; football, basketball, baseball, hockey. They each have their pro league and their lower level league be it college or paid minor league.

  8. Entertainment? It surpasses anything the nfl could ever offer same for the NBA.

    CFB is full of hate, pettiness, jealousy, and passion its a beast of its own.

  9. As a viewer on TV, not terribly entertaining. Attending, quite entertaining.

    Until recently, I had season tickets to my alma mater’s football games, and attending with old college buddies & their families is quite fun. Tailgating, seeing all the college kids and decorations, the band going through campus and stopping and playing — it’s all great. The actual football games themselves, well… let me just say I’m a Georgia Tech graduate.

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