Men over 40 with waning bandwidth and memory, what are some tips or tricks to remember marital, and parental tasks or other simple responsibilities?

  1. Checklists and calendar entries. If I don’t write it down it’s unlikely to happen, even for mundane stuff.

  2. waning bandwidth? yo! you calling me senile?

    it’s not waning but simply overloaded bandwidth.The increasing mental load of in particular in work, where over time you shoulder increasing mental loads as you grow more experienced and capable.

    there is only one trick for that: routine. you need to program yourself to use minimal bandwidth on as much as possible. and that you do by making as much as possible happen subconsciously.

  3. Apple Watch.

    I’m not even kidding. “Remind me in an hour to check the kids homework”. “Remind me when I get home to take out the trash”. “Put butter on the grocery list”.

    It’s been a godsend. When I think about that thing I forgot I can *immediately* and with no friction create a reminder to have me do that thing at a time I anticipate being more free/open/useful.

  4. If you have an Android, put the Assistant app on your home screen and use voice to get it to set a reminder to pick up milk etc.” Ok google, set reminder” etc. You can do it on the fly and no typing unless it’s a custom time

    In the samsung task app (not android/google) you can also get it to remind you when you arrive or leave a location etc.

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