Hii. So I’m (23F) self conscious about how I taste. When I’m wet, whatever is on the outside of my vagina pretty much tastes like nothing. But, if I stick my finger inside then like my finger it’s sour, and if I touch up to my cervix and taste it it’s even more incredibly sour. I’ve been tested for every std, BV, yeast, pH imbalance, everything and the gynecologist says nothing is wrong. Is it supposed to be so so sour? Is that such a turn off?

Edit: This post is making it seem like I’m a virgin (not that anything is wrong with that) but I’ll clarify by saying I’ve had many partners and have tasted myself before to see what others were tasting and never tasted anything like this. No guy had said anything either. A few guys even said they liked how I tasted. It mostly had no taste. I’m thinking maybe it’s a birth control thing. I’ve been on a birth control pill since I was 17. It’s gradually killed my sex drive which is normally very high, and this last year it completely zeroed it. I decided to stop the pill and now almost 8 months later my drive is back. But I’ve noticed my taste changed. More sour, which it wasn’t really before. I haven’t had sex in like a year due to the no drive thing but I have plans to this weekend and was getting in my head about the taste change. But I’ll take your word for it and say it’s probably normal haha. Just a new normal for me

Edit 2: stop dm’ing me weird stuff

  1. This is normal. And long as he doesn’t complain, you’re all good. But honestly, I like the way I taste!

  2. A guy that’s truly into you won’t care. You can make his tongue numb for hours and he won’t complain. -24M

  3. 43m here. Stop over analyzing your own taste. Please.

    Us men, no matter what, love the smell or taste of a woman. PERIOD!

    Having said the above, there is such a thing as pheromones. Some pheromones DRIVE me bonkers more than others… That does NOT mean I like the girl more or less. Smell is but a small portion of the total equation. Did you “listen” to my last phrase?

    Smell/taste is but a small portion of the total equation!!!

  4. Sorry to dissent, but I hate the sour taste. I know what you mean, and I personally find it terrible. It’s not pleasant sour like pineapple, its like sticking your tongue in curdled milk thats been in a hot car all day. Idk what causes it but I have also noticed it corresponding to birth control changes. See what your partner says, some people don’t mind it and you’ll get lots of back patting on this sub about it lol, but everyone has a preference.

  5. Its totally normal.especially when you’re nearing your period

    If you want a more slimy discharge (not the thick white ones) try having segs during your ovulation/fertile period

  6. My wife says the same thing about her taste. I don’t experience it that way. Also – we are swingers and have asked others and they don’t experience her that way. I’m mostly just trying to say that your partners may not have a problem with the acidic taste the way you do.

  7. Try eating some pineapple or drinking some Dole NOT from concentrate juice, it may help you taste sweeter as I know when I ingest some it makes my cum sweeter my lady informers me after swallowing.

  8. Science time my friends:

    So vaginal discharge – particularly when you’re wet is largely (sorry for this factoid) – blood plasma! When you are aroused and your blood flow increases in the nethers, your capillaries dilate. This creates “holes” which open in the capillaries and it pushes the plasma out (the actual red blood cells are too big to be pushed out) plasma then secretes from those capillaries into your mucus membranes.

    But which membranes? Specifically it mostly comes from the Skene and Bartholin glands that are located near the vaginal opening. There are diagrams online if you Google that will show you their exact locale.

    Because your arousal fluid is not being secreted way way up in you, what you taste in your cervical/vagina area is not the arousal but the natural flora that exists there. It is sour because it is various bacteria (and some other things like fungi which is super normal in low quantities). These critters keep your vagina healthy. We love them.

    So what someone tastes when they lick your aroused vulva is clean fluid direct from the glands. Which is why it tastes of nothing. If they are licking it poorly, and not arousing you at all it may be a lil more sour. But this is largely unlikely if you’re generally hygienic and wet from arousal.

    Don’t worry about how your cervix tastes. Nobody’s tongue is going up there unless you are getting tongue fucked by Gene Simmon’s grandkid.

    Worry about how it tastes when you’re aroused. Which is mostly like an earthy nothing. Because that’s what they’re gonna taste when going down on you.

  9. It’s lactobacteria. These friends are bodily defense against other bacteria, fungus and viruses. Without, you’d have nonstop infections.
    So it’s perfectly fine and you shouldn’t do anything about it, like using solutions for washing inside. You are healthy!

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