i’ve (21f) been in this ldr with this guy (22m) for some time, i confided in him about my low self esteem and my bdd, i told him i sort of feel disgusted with myself and he replied saying “haha wait i probably shouldn’t laugh, sorry” that kinda hurt idk. after he was nice and all about trying to resolve it but now i feel hurt and turned off. what do i do? i really like him but now idk

  1. He laughed either becuase it was award and he didin’t know what else to do or he think you look amazing and thought you were jokejng about your body becuase he thinks it’s perfect.

  2. Unless this guy comes back with a thoughtful overwhelming apology, kick him to the curb

  3. seems like an unexpected slip up, but i guess you won’t know why he reacted like that unless you ask him though. it was definitely an incredibly innappropiate response to being told something that personal. it isn’t that hard to n o t laugh during such a moment – so i only wonder what made him think that was alright in the moment until the realisation set in. also by the sounds of it, he only apologised because he was caught in that realisation of his slip up and not because of how it made you feel? if that makes sense.

  4. Part of overcoming a condition os having support. What he said was not supportive. Also, part of a good relationship is communication. So yes, tell him how you feel about what he said.

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