What’s a SFW physical touch your partner does that makes you melt?

  1. For example, a boyfriend once unzipped my coat so he could get his hand on the small of my back and hug me close.

  2. randomly petting my head. don’t know why but i blush every time and get butterflies like crazy. as far as i can recall, i’ve felt this way forever, doesn’t matter who is doing the petting. sometimes
    i feel a little embarrassed about it lol

  3. My partner and I have a thing where we put our hand in the middle of the others chest where their heart is. It started when we were first dating

  4. When we hug and he holds his hands around my waist! His hands are massive and they cover all the way around and it just makes me feel so wrapped up and safe.

  5. Giving me a big kiss on top of my head. Eye contact. Feeling his hand on the back of my neck. Melt mode.

  6. Hugs. I’m not normally big on giving hugs to people but I love it when me and my boyfriend hug. I feel all my stress disappear and it makes me melt

  7. Pet me on the head. Like, stimulate my scalp. Or cup my head like a baby’s.

    I mean, I wouldn’t let anyone but my partner do it.

  8. When we sleep together he always looks for my hand or the touch of any part of my body. He even does it when he turns to the other side and sleeping he just move his hand to still touch me. He don’t even remembers the next day but that makes me feel important to him

  9. When he’s feeling affectionate he takes the palm of my hand and holds it close to his chest and keeps it there.

  10. On our first date as teens, I was really nervous on the drive. I wasn’t very conventionally attractive in highschool so I assumed that maybe he didn’t like me or found me unattractive/ugly. He saw me nervously looking out the car window, grabbed my hand and squeezed it twice

    Over the past 20 years he does this simple gesture all the time. He says ‘it means I love you.’ I asked him once what it meant the first time. He replied ‘the same as it does now. I already knew by then that I loved you’

  11. Just randomly turns around and caressing knuckles on my cheek or anywhere else. And of course an all-emcompassing hug!

  12. My fiancée pets my hair sometimes. You know how your cat will headbutt your palm for more? They have the right idea.

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