I asked this to my doctor but they had no idea. My body smells due to stress and sometimes otherwise too. I always use a deodorant but I can already smell myself in an hour or two of applying it

  1. Greendoor Deodorant cream.

    Don’t mask the smell of sweat, circumvent the bacteria from forming.

    Plus shave your armpits.

  2. I use something called No Pong, it’s Australian, it comes in a small can, just a pea size portion of it on your finger & rub it into your arm pits, lasts ages, I’ll never buy a deodorant again, I’ll be using this.

    I’ve even wondered how long it would last so when I was working bush & obviously didn’t have access to showers I used this & on the 3rd day I still didn’t have any smell.

  3. Ask your doctor for a clindamycin compound. The source of body odor comes from bacteria that live on our skin which clindamycin kills. Apply to underarms before deodorant and you’ll “stay fresh” for a lot longer.

  4. Go to the vitamin shop or somewhere online and get chlorophyll capsules. Take daily per instructions while eating more green veggies!

  5. Reduce your stress. I had a very pungent body with fat as I was chronically anxious and stressed. Exercise literally cured it. Oh and saunas/steam rooms. Now I don’t have to wear deodorant if I don’t want to for days and don’t smell bad, just standard BO

  6. I trim my armpit hairs. In a pinch I find that hand sanitizer nukes the bacteria but I don’t do that all the time.

  7. This is going to sound stupid but I’m serious, just some good soap and water when you shower in the morning and focus on sweaty areas. I’d also recommend any body wash that de stress or long acting protection. Personally I trim body hair as well as it helps to feel cleaner. Finally good roll on deodorant as spray stuff is OK but you want maximum coverage and application onto the skin.

  8. Do what others have recommended in regards to diet, but also give chlorophyll a try. It’s sold in tablet form and I get mine through the Health Ranger store.

  9. Stop stressing? I never heard of this but I don’t stress much so. I just don’t care about things outside of my control and if crap happens deal with it then

  10. I mean if I stink I mainly just take a shower and then put on deodorant, cologne, and sometimes baby powder if I’m chaffing anywhere 😅

  11. I’m learning about this right now actually. Your body produces odor through your apocrine sweat glands. You only have these sweat glands in your groin, arm pits, and your face. The sweat only begins to smell when it interacts with bacteria on your skin. More bacteria in will produce more odor. I would recommend showering twice a day. Use an antibacterial body wash like Dial. Wash your clothes and sheets frequently. Try to have maintain a clean diet because if you put shit in, shit comes out. Also make sure to get enough sleep. If you do all of these things and the smell doesn’t go away, you need to see a dermatologist.

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