My (25m) girlfriend (24f) constantly alludes to her ex boyfriend and their relationship together

We have been together for almost 2 years. She has on multiple occasions reached out to her ex boyfriend because she says she still misses him. I know she still loves him and it bothers me after being with her for two years and giving her my whole heart and inspiration. Last month I found an email she sent to him asking to meet up and confronted her about it and she said she just wanted closure from him for us, but I can tell in her heart it is more.

This has been making it difficult for me to remain committed and to trust her. I know I’m not special in her life if she still fawns over her ex for this long. I’m honestly on my last leg. She has proven herself incapable of doing the simplest of adult tasks and still lives off her parents and me without making any motions to become responsible either. I just don’t know that I can keep watching her self-destruct our relationship for the sake of wanting to feel “magical” while ignoring that everyone else around her is busting their asses off for her (me included).

How do I approach this?

Tl;Dr My gf constantly contacts her ex throughout our relationship and has expressed that she still loves him. This hurts because I and her parents support her in every aspect of her life and I feel disrespected and mistrustful. How do I approach this? Thanks

  1. Man… have some self respect and break up with this girl. You’ve been together 2 years and she still reaches out to her ex saying she misses him, and you’re just taking it? It’s glaringly obvious this girl is still hung up on her ex and if he actually reciprocated I don’t think she’d hesitate for a second in leaving you.

    Do yourself a favor and move on.

  2. It’s not difficult to trust her- it’s wrong to. There’s no reason to trust her to be faithful to you because she is trying to get back together with her ex or at least cheat.

  3. She is still missing that relationship. Maybe she moved on too quickly from the last one to this current one. If I were you I would confront her again about it and tell her that you want to take a break because she’s bringing up her ex all the time and it’s breaking your trust. The break will also help her make a decision whether she wants to stay in the relationship. You sound like a nice guy don’t let her take you for granted. Don’t give all your love too someone who doesn’t appreciate it.

  4. A wise man once said, “If my girl has to choose between me and another man, the other man can have her. If she wanted me, there wouldn’t be another man.”

  5. Bro she is a time bomb if she isn’t already she will cheat on you with him and then it hurts 10x more than you leaving her stop wasting your life

  6. How do you approach your disrespect of yourself? That is the question. You’re compromising yourself and your happiness for what? For this person who is selfish, immature, dishonest and unfaithful to treat you like garbage.

    2 years is a fair chunk of your life. Don’t let it be more. It is not too late to give yourself the respect and love you’ve been denied for so long. It will help your self-worth to take a stand for yourself and get up and leave; it will free you up for better times with better people who would really appreciate you and be an actual partner.

  7. It’s a very simple approach: Break up with her. Let her know that her refusal to move on from her ex is making you very unhappy and like she doesn’t value you at all. And then tell her to go back to him, because she clearly isn’t over him.

  8. Tell her that if she mentions him one more time then you and him will have something in common, you will both be her ex.

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