What were the first steps you took to find your therapist? How many therapists did you see before you found the right fit?

  1. I used the filtering tools on PsychologyToday.com to find therapists who specialized in some of the topics I most wanted to address (trauma and non-monogamy, among others), who used methods I was interested in trying out (somatic therapy, among others) and who identified themselves as being allies to some communities that are relevant to my life/problems (LGBTQ+, kinky, non-monogamous).

    Most of them offer free 15-minute consultation calls so the therapist and client can both get a sense of whether they’d be a good fit for each other. I did 3-5 of these with some of my “finalists” and chose the one who seemed to “get” what I was saying the most.

  2. Went through 4 or 5 therapists before I found one that worked. Lots of googling and asking for friend’s recommendations before I found one through a referral from my family doctor.

  3. By happenstance. Someone in a leadership program I was in posted to the program’s private Facebook group that she was a student in an art therapy program and that the school was looking for clients who were interested in working with their student therapists as part of the school’s practicum program at seriously reduced rates. I took them up on it.

  4. Honestly, I contacted a handful of therapists, and the first (truthfully, only) one to contact me back was the one I went with. Not very scientific, I know.

  5. Psychology Today website. They all had pictures and I actually picked the one that looked kind and approachable. It’s been about 15 months and she’s great.

  6. I searched for therapy centres that are well known in the region and highly recommended. Went on the different website and searched for therapist that specialized in dealing with trauma events. Did more research on the therapist and they seemed to have alot of experience, projects and recognition in the region. I also preferred online therapy sessions which they did. Then I contacted the receptionist, asked questions to clarify and booked session.

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