Ater about 8months I (19f) ended things with my ex (19m) bc he couldn’t meet my low expectations, we had already broke up once b4 the real thing and nothing really changed, not too dramatic but simple things that I look for in a partner he couldn’t provide and it seemed like he could only provide things if it had a consequence ex. Apologies were only given when I made a big deal about something, he couldn’t just be sorry on his own. Also stuff like I found out he had some girls blocked on his story the one time he posted me a few months b4 we broke up and his story was hard to believe he claimed he had them blocked b4 that, other stuff like arguments about dumb stuff, anyways we broke up mid June, weren’t texting lots we (respectfully) removed eachother from every platform although we both admited to looking at eachothers when we spoke after. Still don’t have eachother on anything. To cut it short I was willing to give him another shot if he made me a real apology letter where he basically poked at all the stuff I had an issue with (I wrote all the stuff and why I was upset in the breakup text) and basically tell me why he was sorry and how it would change or how he would react differently. I told him I want him to write it out and read it to me. We ended up sleeping with eachother a few days b4 my bday mid July and he tried to keep texting me after that day for a few days and I told him we shouldn’t text, he said he really wanted to just keep in touch after I told him he wasn’t taking me serious on not texting me. And we argued a little bc I told him if he really wanted to talk to me so bad he would’ve already wrote the letter, and he claimed to not be ready to get back together and I then showed him screenshots where I clearly said the letter wouldn’t mean we get back together it would mean I would be open to trying again and we would start as friends and see where that goes which in the screenshot he agreed friends is good with him. But when I showed him the screenshots he claimed to have misinterpreted me and that he thought the letter meant we would get back together instantly (I don’t believe) he then apologized and said I would get my letter sooner than later. My bday was a few days later and I texted him asking if he could buy me some pre rolls bc he has his med card( i don’t) and my friend that provides for me was in vacation so I had nothing for my birthday, and he offered his supply and to take me out on my bday which I agreed. We went out had a good time kissed once b4 I got off the car and that was that. We texted one day after or so (he sent me a tiktok about the l.a bridge cuz it was new at the time and we had talked about it when we went out on my bday) that was the last time we spoke and b4 that he was always the first one to text when we did (not often) I was hoping to receive that letter soon since he said he would do it. 2 weeks later his bday comes around and I feel like he was hurt that I never said hbd bc I didn’t want to text him bc clearly he didn’t want to be with he that bad if the letter still hasn’t been written. We haven’t talked since July 19 to be exact, so it’s been a few months.

My point is I don’t see a relationship coming out of us since he took so long it’s showed me he don’t care enough but I would still be open to being fuck buddies or sneaky links bc he’s the only guy I’ve slept with and I know I don’t want more than that. I can’t sleep with just anyone I wouldn’t enjoy it and reusing that body wouldn’t feel weird or gross bc although we wouldn’t be in a relationship I know it would still be intimate which is what I like in the bed . I’ve seen him tweet sad stuff and delete it but also seen him retweet stuff that he knows would trigger me. Do you guys think he’ll reach out again ? Should I bring up being sneaky links if he does? And if he doesn’t reach out how many months should I give it until I reach out and ask if he’s down to f or should I just not do it at all? How long would you say it would takes an average guy to contact their ex? He’s already texted me a few times randomly in the past but after the last time we talked I feel like he’s holding off bc I didn’t say happy birthday after he took me out for mine.

Also side comment: I fully believe he would still be down to f aswell

Edit: I wanna add on that he’s asked me to get back together more than 3 times.(b4 our last contact) But I really don’t see him changing his ways so I don’t see us being in a relationship and even if he came with the letter now it would be pointless bc he took too long, again I wanna make it clear I don’t intend on making it more than sex if anything I feel like he would not me

TLDR ; ex and me have been no contact, don’t see us getting back together but I still wanna have fun in bed w no strings attached

  1. Just don’t. ‘No strings attached’… Except for the sex you want to have that will mean keeping him in your life. Make a clean break or you’ll never be able to move on.

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