idk if this is the right subreddit for this subject so i apologise in advance.

my partner has a very high sex drive, i am the complete opposite due to past trauma that i just can’t recover from even after a decade of therapy. partner always reassures that this isn’t a problem and they’ve never pushed it or argued about it but i know it bothers them. i love them more than anything and i’m terrified in case the lack of sex encourages them to leave or cheat to satisfy that need.
we don’t never have sex, sometimes i’ll randomly become horny and we have great sex, but this is a rare occasion. i enjoy the sex when it happens but 80% of the time i shut down mentally and physically whenever we talk about it or make a move to have sex. partner says seeing me cry and shake and breakdown destroys them so they’ve just stopped trying to initiate it, which i appreciate, but part of me thinks this may not be helping the situation.
has anyone else ever experienced this? does anyone have any advice? sorry for rambling

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