Just met someone yesterday and she was so nice, talking to her was amazing. However i think she was trying to pursue me romantically?

I don’t want to sound full of myself or anything but i feel like she was. She was really touchy with me and had her legs pressed up against mine (keep in mind we just met). She also was playfully teasing me and just being maybe a little more than friendly?

I only realized this when I got home and now she keeps texting me and I don’t know what to do.

I’m not really looking for a relationship right now and the whole situation is making me feel awkward? what do i do?

  1. Tell her what you just said here.

    Hey, look you’re cool but I just want you to know the flirtatious vibe makes me uncomfortable. Can we set some boundaries?

  2. Tell her, she’s a fresh breath of air because your last relationship was so difficult and it’s good to talk to someone in a platonic way and not expect any relation to come of it.

  3. Tell her your glad that you have met her and that you have a great time hanging out with her and can see her being a very good friend going into the future and that you really like having a female friend to get a woman’s perspective on things… the touching is a sign she likes you but you need to be careful moving forward and give some more info did she hug you if so how long where did she touch you ? How much eye contact did she make and does she give you more attention then other people around. I’ll say this if yall work together then don’t do it it will ruin your career forever if you misread the situation or break up or she gets mad at you she can ruin you with a sexual harassment or misconduct claim

  4. You can go the “it’s not you it’s me” route.

    I just wanted you to know that I think you are an amazing person, and I think that I might have been able to feel a connection with you, but you remind me so much of a really toxic ex girl of mine. I don’t think I could ever keep that out of it, so I just want to remain friends. Will you still be friends with me? Is it alright?

    She should leap forward to reassure. After that, anytime she gets too forward, just stare at her for a minute then rub your hands over your face. Move away and say something about how the light, the angle, that shirt, what you just said was exactly like so and so. Ya know, I need a minute. And walk away.

    Should keep the distance and give you a continuous out while letting her feel as if she is affecting you emotionally. Gotta sell it though, and NEVER give details. It’s too painful to talk about.

    Or you could just be honest. That’s what I usually do.

    Good luck!

  5. You have two obvious options.

    1. Tell her
    2. Pepper spray


    I’m going to advise talking to her first.

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